5 19

Good riddence !!

Words cannot express how happy i am to see him GO!


twshield 8 Nov 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Great song

DC307 Level 2 Nov 7, 2018

I am sad because Florida but this made me feel a little bit better.

Georgia for me 😟

@twshield that also sucked.
But at least you flipped a seat.


Another hypocritical so-called christian. Don’t let the door hit ya!

Where the good lord split ya

George Jefferson to weazy 1978


Glad he is gone.


If only Ted Cruz would've followed him out the door.

@twshield Yes, Beautiful Ted won again. Before that he was Lying Ted. Sometime before that his father was one of the assassins of JFK.

How people can put up with Trump is beyond me. I told one of his supporters this and they claimed to never have heard it before. I told him to fact check the bastard. All of his tweets and words are recorded.

@powder Except 2008 was a HOUSING crash -not a stock market crash- that happened two terms after Clinton left office (which is coincidentally right at the end of his Republican successor's two terms on office). But hey, if you try hard enough, you could probably link it all the way back to Jimmy Carter.

@powder "Starting in the early 1960s, federal banking regulators' interpretations of the Act permitted commercial banks, and especially commercial bank affiliates, to engage in an expanding list and volume of securities activities.[3] Congressional efforts to "repeal the Glass–Steagall Act", referring to those four provisions (and then usually to only the two provisions that restricted affiliations between commercial banks and securities firms),[4] culminated in the 1999 Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act (GLBA), which repealed the two provisions restricting affiliations between banks and securities firms.[5]

By that time, many commentators argued Glass–Steagall was already "dead".[6] Most notably, Citibank's 1998 affiliation with Salomon Smith Barney, one of the largest US securities firms, was permitted under the Federal Reserve Board's then existing interpretation of the Glass–Steagall Act.[7]"

Taken straight from the same article. But go ahead... Blame Clinton.

@ghettophilosopher Interesting debate. I was born in '59. The nation (at least politically) has been spiraling 'down' for my entire life. It's not thank the democrates or thank the republicans for this, it's thank capitalism.

@AstralSmoke I concur. Capitalism and two-party politics. I could go all day about either or both.

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