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OMG: This is great! I always suspected that gravity was Satanic ... (Never heard of Duffelblog before, but I love this, as a lifeling fan of good satirical writing.)

Thanks. A couple guys I used to serve with tipped me off to the site

@chalupacabre BTW: Have been wanting to comment on your AgCom alias, which cracks me up no end! I picture a chalupacabre as a bloodthirsty beast that will kill my goats, yet makes a tasty meal in itself. Best of both worlds.

@The-Krzyz kills your goats then makes crunchy burritos out of them. ?

@chalupacabre I love birria burritos ...


I was in the USAF (1983-1987). We were never baptised. In fact I was able to affirm my oath rather then swear to God before leaving for BMTS, two others did as well. I also indicated I was an atheist, even back then.

@Yogisan Oh yeah, we all definitely did that. Better than staying back at the dorms scrubbing something that hadn't had a scuff or a spec of dust on it for 40 years.

But it definitely wasn't required to be dunked before graduation.

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