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LINK The Dangerous Myth of Good Guys With Guns | Erin Wathen

Mass shootings: the new sadly normal in America.

DGJ0114 7 Nov 8

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This article implies the argument for the second amendment is predicated on stopping mass shootings. That's a straw man argument. On top of that, it's not true; mass shooters have been stopped, and while uniformed security and police officers are very likely to be priority targets, a civilian or off-duty cop carrying concealed is no more likely to be targeted first than any other potential victim.

I am more than happy to discuss reasonable means to prevent firearm deaths, but let's start with honesty. That's something neither side has been willing to do.

JimG Level 8 Nov 8, 2018



Great post!


It's seems we have separate domestic terrorist now in America. First we had the gang violence, most mainstream Americans did not have a good bead on this, it was an inner city problem and did not concern them. As it spread came awareness.
The we had the Oklahoma bombing and Columbine. Almost all the shootings in the last 10 years have been done by white men. The gangs are still out there, killing and maiming but they are not entering schools, bars and places of worship and gunning people down. Most of these guys were not even on anyone's radar.
Sensible guns yes but we need to deal with the mental health issues of the people in this country.

@Morganfreeman I never said the whole nation is dumb, I said we have a lot of people with mental health issues that should not have access to firearms. Maybe if we dealth with those issues we would have less mass shootings. Happy people don't seek guns to kill others. Geeezzz. As to gangs, well geez wizz gangs in the city go back to when this country was founded and really are a separate issue from the mass shootings in schools, businesses, night clubs, churches and synagogs.

@Morganfreeman Politicians rob to get wealth. The slave owners robbed to get wealth. It's always about the haves and have nots. Sorry we've digressed from the original post ie. good guys with guns. Sometimes it works out and sometimes it does not. But wouldn't it be nice if as a society we could go out into the world and not have to worry so much about being fucking attacked? Believing we need to be ARMED?? Is that not also the point here? If you take care of one another and while I clearly am not a religious, church going christian the idea of love thy neighbor, be kind, take care of each other for we are ALL the same (I just leave off the god's children part) is to mean something then we must deal with the disenfranchised, the poor, the sick, the elderly and the childred.

@Morganfreeman I get by on my good looks and winning personality - AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. another myth bites the dust.


It isn't a dangerous myth. There have been many times a "good guy", or "gal", with a gun, prevented further harm. []

Please provide references to the "many times" you speak of.

@jlynn37 Some are mentioned in the Washington Times article I referenced.

@sfvpool The US seems to have averaged over 300 mass shootings a year since at least 2014. Eleven vigilantes do not amount to squat.

@jlynn37 Here are the references you asked for: []

@DoctoralZombie I would recommend checking the accuracy of your statistic of an average of 300 mass shootings a year. Is this coming from A better source may be here: []

I'm not arguing that we should do nothing about mass shootings, regardless of how many there are, because they certainly are increasing. But, overstating the number accomplishes little. If we want a real solution, we need to look at facts, including some that may not fit your, or my, feelings.

@dahermit While I did not read every article on this site, everyone I did read dealt with an intruder into someone's personal space, one on one encounter, and not one concerned a mass shooter in a crowded space.

Some actual research and more in depth analysis of how insane and uncontrollable these situations almost always are.

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