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Former White House Counsel John Dean calls Trump evil. He's right.

"Nixon was corrupt - but Trump is evil," John Dean said.

I agree.


LiterateHiker 9 Nov 10

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But don't worry he is also vindictive. We do live in interesting times.


Very true,the question is how long do we tolerate this?


I can't see anything that John Dean says to disagree with.

edited for clarity

Are you simply trying to provoke a reaction? If you mean this, you should spend time in a hall of mirrors and examine your life.

Ignorance (of the truth)... is Not bliss.

@WayneDalton I'm afraid I don't understand? If you misunderstood and thought I was talking about Trump, then I guess I should have been more clear.

@Santanaman9 same as my reply to the other commenter.

Afraid it is very unclear who the “he” is in your statement “I can't see anything that HE says to disagree with.

@Santanaman9 yes I see that.

@Umbral apparently I misunderstood the gist of your comment

@WayneDalton my mistake. No worries.


I tend to agree. Chaotic evil.


I feel like we need to think about the words we use to describe someone or aa group of people we disagree with politically or socially. Yeah, Trump is a stupid piece of shit and doesn't deserve to be president, but words have consequences and "evil" is such a strong word. He's called Democrats and the media evil, and crazy people have taken that literally and tried to kill them (eg the guy who sent the pipe bombs). Probably 95% of the time (I'm sure there's something he's done that is decent) I will disagree with Trump over his political decisions and how he has acted while in office. Just because I don't like Trump, his policies, his presidency, and most of his constituents doesn't make him evil.

There are people and groups from the past and in the now who I do consider evil. They have used their power to hurt and kill others. Trump hasn't gotten to this point yet for me. I've heard he has either sent or stirred up a militia to be at the US-Mexico border when the caravan comes and has talked about firing on them, but I feel like Trump is all talk here about the latter. However, if the militia does start firing on the caravan under Trump's orders, then that will cross the line and make Trump evil.

I truly believe that his words and actions are directly responsible for numerous deaths already, and horrifically more to come. He's not curbing his evil. He's ramping his evil up.

So a person who talks about abusing people, encourages others to attack the news media, immigrants, and other religions in subtle ways, encourages election rigging, and sends American troops with loaded weapons to meet unarmed refuge seekers is not “evil” until people actually start to die? Until the concentration camps start to overfill and bodies wind up in trenches? This is exactly the thinking that allowed Hitler to build up his military, start the process of Jewish elimination, and take control of the German government. Evil starts long before the atrocities begin. After they start is generally too late to change the direction without a major loss of life.

@Barnie2years Cool your jets, Barnie. When looking at politics, hyperbole is right by it's side. Whoever is in power, Republicans or Democrats, the other side will always call them "evil." GOP did it when Obama was president. Democrats did it when Bush was president. I wouldn't be surprised if it happened with every other previous presidency. All I'm saying is that it's getting old when the word "evil" keeps getting thrown around.

Like I wrote in my original comment "Trump is a stupid piece of shit." I've dealt with my fair share of people (including my father) who have made racist, sexist, or other discriminating remarks. Does this make them evil? I don't think so. It does make them assholes if they hold on to those beliefs. There are reasons why people act or say what they do. When/where/how they were raised and their life experiences play a role; however, these aren't excuses. As society changes and adapts, it's people need to as well.

If these people don't or won't change, then we shouldn't give them a second of our time. For Trump and his base, this means holding protests and demonstrations that we won't stand for his kind of leadership. Vote him out in 2020.

About Hitler (didn't take long for someone to enact Godwin's law), it's clearly documented how he rose to power and persuaded the Nazi party that Jews were "evil." I believe the majority of US citizens are good and will not let that happen. I understand that their are similarities between Trump and Hitler using fear to push their policies forward, but there are also differences. Hitler had the full power of the government behind him supporting his rhetoric; Trump does not. It might seem like he does, but it's just him, his ever-changing Cabinet, and his base making loud noises. There are too many people watching him to allow something like another Holocaust to happen.

@joeymf86, time will tell I guess. What I was saying is by the time good people decide to act is often too late. And I thin you highly underestimate his appeal. It’s all the squeaker elections just past, the popular support he has is very close to 50% in many, if not most areas. That goes way beyond the despicables. A good con man surrounds himself with disciples who rarely question his actions as long as they stand to benefit. It will be interesting to see what Muller uncovered, and what happens once it is revealed. The US is not 1930’s Germany, but we are flawed humans susceptible to being overtaken by forces of evil dressed as patriots.

@joeymf86 I think you are being proven wrong.

@dalefvictor Care to elaborate?

@joeymf86 Yes, I misread your comment. I agree. Thanks for asking me to elaborate as what one says matters.


Agree; Trump is evil like an petulant child with absent parents.

An ill-tempered or "bad" kid isn't evil. They just need discipline and structure from adults; the same things Trump needs.


Yep and every person who voted for him is either evil, racist, or just plain ignorant. Freaking nightmare from which we may never wake up.

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