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Do you think Trump is credible/believeable?

On NPR, they talked about how Trump received a lot of criticism for opting out of visiting a WWI graveyard in France as part of the 100 year anniversary of the end of the first world war. Trump said it was due to rain. However, he has lied so many times, that some people just simply did not believe him and thought he just didn't want to bother with something he really didn't want to be bothered with.

This makes me wonder just how credible or believable people think Trump really is.

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snytiger6 9 Nov 11

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Trump is incurious and lazy and the notion of understanding his responsibilities or doing what he should do even if not interesting or enjoyable (delayed gratification), is alien to him. Indeed the notion of doing anything for anyone other than himself that doesn't result in some easily grasped benefit to him personally (empathy), is alien to him.


If he ever makes a factually accurate statement, odds are it will be by accident...

A stopped clock is right twice a day.

I have to admit. I once heard Trump talkign about hwo much he enjoyed this chocolate cake... and I actually believed him. There was a tone of sincerity that is absent when he talks most of the time.

I just went online and found that bit.


His next book will be titled "The Art of Lieing".

He may not even need a ghost writer like he did on all his other books.... who am I kidding, he isn't literate enought to write a book himself.


here's a toughie: if you had to believe either that there is a god or that trump tells the truth.... never mind. it's impossible forget i said anything.


Good one!

Well yeah, very difficult.

However, Trump does tell the truth about 10-20% of the time. God exists 0% of the time.

Oh hell.... this is still too difficult.

@snytiger6 yeah trump might tell the truth when he says excuse me i have to take a crap (less than 10 percent of the time) but i am not interested in finding proof!


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