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Who in your opinion was the greatest American President and why.

A few yrs back, I was shocked by a poll that said Americans thought that Reagan was the nations greatest president. Made me wonder just what the H was going on. SO I'm in a forum of people that have a lot more brainpower and critical thinking skills than the responders of that poll and was wondering what the result would be.. My vote: George Washington - a man of true valor.
This post is intended for an international response btw...

RobCampbell 7 Feb 8

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I was going to say George Washington , because he was one of the few presidents that refused to stay in power longer than the limits permitted. It would be difficult to find any modern candidate that would not be tempted with such an option, should they have it for whatever reason. Critical thinking starts with self correction, one of the few things that separates humans from animals. Humans should run the country, not animals.

Dougy Level 7 Feb 8, 2018

Washington, Lincoln, Trump

gater Level 7 Feb 8, 2018

@Gator Well I can certainly appreciate your first choice! Thanks for responding!


I voted for Reagan the first time, it was the first time I ever voted. I stood in line 2.5 hours to vote. After he tripled the national debt in 8 years I never voted Republican again.


I like Jefferson for his Bible rewrite, or recomposition, actually. He believed in the moral teachings of Jesus but not the supernatural. He had 2 Bibles one which he cut apart and kept what he thought was useful and you can buy the Jefferson Bible still today. It also includes some of his letters he sent to others he respected and debated points of biblical teachings. It's pretty interesting.

I had noo idea such a thing existed . Thanks for the info !
There are "Green Bibles ", bibles with verses highlighted in green, when it supports good health , & stewardship , something these modern day thumpers could stand to be inspired by ! Also a "Green Torah ", but no Green Koran , because it is considered to be all green already . Whatever 😟


According to Business Insider, Abraham Lincoln is ranked 1st.


I've always admired John F. Kennedy myself. JFK had a ton of great quotes.

"And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you -- ask what you can do for your country."

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."

"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future."

"Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal."

"A rising tide lifts all boats"

"Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other."

"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind."

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

"We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch - we are going back from whence we came."

"Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names."

@balou Historian's would be much better informed than the general public .. so not surprised - the poll I was shocked by was a USA Today poll I think.


I can only go by whom I've had in my life, and that goes to Obama.


Society is fickle and doesn't have much perspective on the past. It mostly only cares about here and now which is why you'd see such a short-sighted result declaring

as it's greatest president.


FDR reshaped the US into an actual Liberal Drmocracy. He led is through most of World War II. He also pandered to southern racism and was a very flawed man. However, among the 45 people who have held the office I rank his accomplishments highest . . . so far.

There technically have only been 44 presidents, one man is counted twice.

@mt49er lol I always forget Cleavland.

I agree with FDR, he also put people to work during the Depression, WPA, CCC. My great uncle ran a CCC camp under FDR. Much of the infrastructure at the national parks was done during those years. Land we bought in MN had row and rows of pine trees planted by the CCC. His dark side was the Japanese internment camps.


Abraham Lincoln is my favorite. His greatest act was freeing the slaves but dealing with the civil war was also a great accomplishment.


Certainly FDR And Lincoln both have to be near the top of the list.


To be honest none. I think American people are great not their Leaders

Suzun Level 2 Feb 8, 2018

@Suzan If there were a 'triple point' like button, I would press it for that statement!


I really do not have a favorite, but Lincoln freeing the slaves sits pretty high on my list of great accomplishments by someone in the office


I'm going to go with Adams or Jefferson. of course their presidency was in a Time before the federal government had much power, and completely corrupted with money and chump ass lobbyists buying the law. they were instrumental in the founding of this nation and its documents and seem to have been more concerned with the American ideal.


I was not around for all of them... so I pass.


I'm going with Teddy Roosevelt for what he did for conservation, primarily. Not a huge fan if his hunting practices but they were all flawed. He grew up rich but never seemed to forget the importance of compassion. Plus, he got shot in the chest while delivering a speech and refused medical attention until finished. That's some legit badassery.


Jack Nicholson.

Can't we all just get along?

@EricTrommater Ha Ha, finally got it...


It has to be George Washington, right? If it wasn't for him, we would have royalty and not a presidency. Or....was it ADAM WEISHAUPT!!!...hehe....

George, if it weren't for him maybe we'd have healthcare.


Was it Jefferson who championed separation of church and state?

@Babyseal Yes, if memory serves me correctly.

@RobCampbell thanks mate. I am an Aussie who watches with interest

@RobCampbell a founding forefathers view should be respected, not an ancient amendment that kills people

@Babyseal Not sure what you are getting at with that statement?

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