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before you yell at the title, or agree with it (if you do, ask yourself WHY!) this is... wait for it... SATIRE!

i'll make my position clear. i believe pelosi is the most effective, best speaker of the house we've ever had.

but she's old!

yeah, guess what? speaker of the house is not an entry-level position. get over it. and why is it always WOMEN who are too old, when men a few years older are just fine?

but she's divisive!

yeah, guess what? to an extent it goes with the job. she has to pull together varying factions. she does it well. she is the opposite of divisive, even if she doesn't (who does?) have everyone singing kumbaya.

but she's nancy pelosi and everyone hates her!

yeah, guess what? republican talking points have their way of seeping into our dialogue, just as "democrat" when we mean "democratic" has done. everyone doesn't actually hate her. in fact, not a whole lot of people who work with her do anything but respect her, and many love her.

but she's not progressive!

yeah, guess what? wrong again! she is. there are about five white guys who are leading the push against her. at least three of them are anti-choice. wanna go along with them? remember the aca? pelosi pushed that through. wanna check her record before you say she isn't progressive? congress dot gov is a good nonpartisan place to start.

but we want new blood!

yeah, guess what? the speaker of the house appoints committee chairs. she will appoint chairWOMEN. and she mentors young women.

now back to the article. it makes a good point about PERFECTION. hold your breath until you get that. blue's our color, after all!

oh yeah and i'll throw in some voltaire: the best is the enemy of the good. confucious said it too: better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without.


genessa 8 Nov 17

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for those stymied by a pay wall (sorry, i didn't copy and paste the picture):

(article starts here, the first line being the title)

I’m fine with women in power, just not this one specific woman currently in power

Ugh, it’s just… can we not pick her , you know? (Evelyn Hockstein for The Washington Post)

By Alexandra Petri
November 16 at 11:08 AM
The first thing I need to make clear is that I love and support women. I am eager to see more women rise to positions of power. Hashtag pink wave! Hashtag pink hat!

But I have to say, I’m a little frustrated that we keep putting forward this specific woman who really grinds my gears. Not because she’s a woman. I would know if that were why. It is not that. It’s just — ugh, her, you know? She just doesn’t excite me, and I feel that she is too compromised. That’s not a woman thing, though. It’s just a her thing. I would have that issue with anyone who had her baggage, that same difficult-to-pin-down sense that something about her was fundamentally tainted.

But it is just this one woman in particular. And can I say how glad I am that we are at a point when we are able to judge women on their merits, as people, and find them inexplicably, inevitably wanting, as people? But definitely all women do not do this. There are plenty of women who do not make my teeth go on edge in the way this one lady does. My mother, for instance. My daughter, for another instance. And others I could name! Oprah, in her current capacity, though I hope she stays in her lane.

In general, I am excited to vote for a woman, maybe even in 2020, though I do, I have to say, worry that maybe other Americans are not so ready, and we wouldn’t want to make that mistake in a year with such high stakes. Not me — I was born ready! I was given birth to by a woman. So it’s clear where I stand.

That is why I am so frustrated with the specific women who keep being put forward. Like, Nancy Pelosi? I want women to lead everything! I want them to stare down charging bulls on Wall Street, and I can’t imagine anyone other than a lady being Wonder Woman, but — this is the House we’re talking about, and… ugh, Nancy Pelosi.

You see what I’m saying here. I am flabbergasted and upset that each and every one of the women being talked about as front-runners are the specific women who have already alienated me. I am as frustrated by this terrible coincidence as you are, believe me! Believe, women!

Opinion | 2018's 'Year of the Woman' looks a whole lot different than in 1992
The 116th Congress will have a younger, more diverse, more motivated group of congresswomen than ever before, says columnist Karen Tumulty. (Gillian Brockell/The Washington Post)

What I want is not impossible! I want someone who is not tainted by polarizing choices in the past, but who also has experience, who is knowledgeable but doesn’t sound like she is lecturing, someone vibrant but not green, someone dignified but not dowdy, passionate but not a yeller, precise but not mechanical, someone lacking in off-putting ambition but capable of asking for what she wants, not accompanied but not alone, in a day but not in a month or a year, when the moon is neither waxing nor waning, carrying a sieve full of water and a hen’s tooth. Easy!

That’s why I’m so worried about our current slate of choices. A woman, sure, but — Kamala Harris? Elizabeth Warren? Kirsten Gillibrand? There are specific problems with each of them, entirely personal to each of them, all insurmountable. We need someone fresh. Someone without baggage. Joe Biden, maybe. But female! If you see.

I can’t wait to vote for a woman in 2020. A nameless, shapeless, faceless woman I know nothing about who will surely be perfect.

that's it. i didn't put quotation marks around it. sorry.



Sorry, pay wall.

JimG Level 8 Nov 17, 2018

i changed my response. i read "pay well." you wrote pay WALL. okay lemme see if i can copy and paste for you.


okay i copied and pasted the whole article for you and anyone else with the same problem (w. sorry again for the misreading. which i have every month too). sorry again for the misreading. my original response must have made no sense to you, just as my misreading of your words as "pay well" made none to me lol


@genessa thanks.

@JimG 🙂)



The best person for the job for sure. And she need to start training her successor.

she's been doing that. successors plural. she is famous for mentoring, especially women.



She is a corporate shill, whatever her corporate donors want, she gets. Money has to be gotten out of politics and neither she nor 'roll-over' Schumer are good for that task in my opinion. The Dems are at war with themselves internally, there is even talk of Hilary running in 2020.

Beyond that she wants to work with Trump...and fuck that, our representatives must battle against the fascist idiot we have in the White House.

cava Level 7 Nov 17, 2018

she wants to work with trump? you've been listening to trolls. nothing you say is true, though i am less than pleased with schumer. nothing you've said about pelosi can be substantiated.


@genessa I'm not blowing smoke:

"SHE JUST doesn’t get it.
“We will strive for bipartisanship, with fairness on all sides,” announced Nancy Pelosi on the night of November 6. “We must try” to find “common ground” with President Donald Trump and the Republican Party, she told a rally in Washington, D.C. as victory after victory in the midterms confirmed a new Democratic majority in the House of Representatives, adding: “ We’ll have a bipartisan marketplace of ideas that makes our democracy strong.”

@cava she had to say that. watch what she DOES. look what she HAS done.


@genessa Funny , I was just looking at CNN and saw the following Trump said today:

Trump: I would help Pelosi if she needs votes
President Trump comments on working with Nancy Pelosi when Democrats take control of the House.
Source: CNN

Why because the GOP loves her, that's right they love's easy to make her into a target, she's been around for 20 years and there is baggage...and Trump wants to get reelected in 2020.

@cava ha so someone told him he had to say that. the gop hates her, though, because she is tough and effective (and can filibuster for hours in high heels). anyway trump lies all the time; pelosi was being diplomatic (part of the job). he's not diplomatic. ever. he won't even remember that he said that.



Agree @genessa that Nancy Pelosi has more experience and is the best person for the job. Hopefully she will retire in a couple years and pass her skills mentoring a replacement starting now.

starting now or starting before now, since she has a mentoring history. and as rachel maddow so astutely noted, when we kept losing the house, nancy kept being reelected minority leader. now that we have won back the house -- and don't think that her funding appropriations, of which she is in charge, didn't help make that happen! -- suddenly, oh no, we won, how terrible, thanks nancy, out you go? it's WEIRD! but it's no wonder the republicans are trying so hard to convince us we hate her. THEY sure want her gone. (she can devour kevin mccarthy with a broken spoon. just watch her! he hasn't got a chance against her. he's so stupid he admitted on national tv that the whole benghazi hearing thing was a ploy to keep hillary out of the white house! how bright can he be? and the republicans are so dumb they're making him minority leader!)


oh about her retiring... when we have a blue white house, yeah? we have to keep rbg healthy too!


Well said! She is maybe not my fave, but experience & knowlege count....look at Cheeto vs. Hillary!

they count a lot! and the same republican propaganda (decades and decades worth) about hillary seeped in. she's neoliberal (she's not; bill may have been but he's not anymore either), she's corrupt (a lie), she's owned by wall street (she took money from one of the biggies last year to speak. she spoke about promoting WOMEN! and when she was a senator, and when she was secretary of state, she did not favor wall street, no matter HOW much they contributed to her pac or pacs. it's not pay to play if you don't get to play!), and so on and so on. how did they feed us those lies? we don't listen to them, do we? but they got trolls to pose as dems, especially "progressive" dems, and some of us, sadly, bought it, since it didn't seem to be coming from the right.

with pelosi, the same stuff is at play. it seeps in. we start taking it as true without examining the facts.

but you know, even if neither woman is perfect, you're right, look at hillary's alternative, currently wrecking the world! and what IS pelosi's alternative? no one who disses her has actually come up with a serious challenger. or any challenger?


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