Do you have a favorite software?
I use calibre for sending and converting books to my nook. But then again, I only use Linux; I don't know if it's available for other platforms. It does, what I think, a good job at converting titles to epub format; it will convert to pretty much any format from any format. Write your book in word or Libre office, convert it to your desired (possibly protected) format. It takes a bit to get used to the steering wheel, but it has a lot of options.
After checking, it appears to be available for all major platforms - with the exception of BSD and Solaris.
Thank you. I will let my Gen X whiz kid decipher this. You are really nice to be so helpful. I am 64. Most of my life I cleaned up poop and gardened. I would survive no tech.
IBook on iPhone
You know, much of this was written on a little pink I phone. You are beautiful. My son wants a cool female atheist like you. 'whoever you are with is damn lucky.
I went through CreateSpace when I put out my book. []
I found it pretty user-friendly.
Thank you for taking time to reply. The young people are craving atheist thoughts write now.
Go to A site that does that for free with their computers.....
I was looking at BookBaby they edit and have an in to Amazon from what I have read.
You are adorable. Book baby huh?