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Cats: Love. Me: 30.

I loathe cats. Naturally, my hiking partner Karen asked me to take care of her two cats, while she and her husband are in New Zealand for three weeks. Also bring in mail and newspapers.

Every other day, I drive to their house to feed and water their cats. Each time, the most odious job is cleaning the 5' x 3' litter box. The stench makes me gag.

"Since the cats are used to being outside, they will try to escape when you open the door," Karen said. "They will get frantic and bored cooped up indoors for three weeks."

Karen suggested I use a tennis racquet to fend off the cats when they try to escape. I don't have one. So, I asked Karen to leave a tennis racquet by the front door.

Opening the door, I hold the racquet low - touching the ground- to block cats.

On Monday, a cat charged me to get outside. I flipped it backwards into the house with the racquet. Didn't have time for a backswing. I used wrist action.

The cat landed on its feet and scampered away. The cat was fine. I felt triumphant.

Now all I have to do is swing the racquet or my purse toward the cats and they scatter.

LiterateHiker 9 Nov 18

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A cat's only objective in life is to kill you.


Meh, I like dogs, cats, gerbils, cavies, birds, bunnies, et al ?


I'm sure the cat is fine, but fend off does not mean a racket swing. It just means using it as a blocker or something to push them with.


Let me clarify.

Opening the door, I hold the racquet low - touching the ground- to block cats.

When a cat charged me to get outside, I flipped it backwards into the house with the racquet. Didn't have time for a backswing. I used wrist action.

The cat landed on its feet and scampered away.


Why do I loathe cats? Let me count the ways.

"If left to their own devices, cats would lead humans into a whirling blade," Dave Barry wrote.

  1. I am allergic to cat dander. I grew up with loving, obedient Labrador Retrievers.

  2. I hate the way cats walk on kitchen counters. It's unsanitary and disgusting. In homes with cats, cat hair floats in the air and gets all over my clothes. Cat hair is hard to remove, even with a vacuum cleaner.

3, When I was in high school, my mother took in a stray, male cat. That cat repeatedly sprayed and pooped on my pillow. With three siblings, I couldn't keep the door closed. Hated that cat.

  1. One summer, my boyfriend, Dave, took off the couch back cushion because he was hot. Sitting on a towel, Dave didn't want to get the couch sweaty. Walking behind the couch, that cat reached up between the slats and raked his claws down Dave's back, drawing blood. With no provocation.

  2. I have never met a friendly cat. They are skittish, neurotic animals.

Thank goodness millions of people did not have your experiences! Cats can't be controlled, which annoys people who like to be in control. I have had nothing but good experiences with cats and find them to be loving companions. I guess I am lucky not to be allergic, although, I would probably take medication if I problem...there are cat people, dog people, no pets people, and aren't we happy about that....


Thank you.


I’ve had cats all my adult life and they can be amazing companions. I’ve learned how to do cats right. First, from my experience nuertered males are the best. They tend to more social and loving, females tend to be a little more aloof. Next, cats need to have access to the outside, a cat door is the way to go. Also with a cat door you can toss the litter box. When I travel I just fill up the cat feeder with a few weeks of dry food and leave a toilet seat up and go enjoy myself. I’ve been gone for nearly 3 weeks at a time and when I return the cats are there and happy to see me.

The aloof is why I like female cats. They aren't overly needy, pet them for 5 minutes and they're good for the day.


I don't do cats. I don't like them, I am allergic to them, and they generally have a poor attitude. The only thing that could be worse about them is if they barked.


Thank you for your support. I appreciate you.


Your friends should have paid for the services of someone who would be kind to them. If they can afford a trip to New Zealand, they can afford to pay for a proper caregiver. What a terrible situation. Your friends KNOW that you hate cats, and they still asked you to do this? Why did you say yes? These animals don't deserve to be treated this way.


Another friend is taking care of Karen's dog, Bonnie, while she is away. A high energy dog, Bonnie needs fast walking or hiking twice a day. And throwing a Frisbee for Bonnie twice daily. That's a lot.

Hannlore is taking care of Bonnie at her house.

Karen thought it was too much to ask Hannalore to take care of the cats, too. She knows I am a responsible person.


Your story brings to mind the "I have the Power" quote from the opening of: He Man Masters of the Universe.


What is it about cats that causes such antipathy?


Why do I loathe cats?

"If left to their own devices, cats would lead humans into a whirling blade," Dave Barry wrote.

  1. I am allergic to cat dander. I grew up with loving, obedient Labrador Retrievers.

  2. I hate the way cats walk on kitchen counters. It's unsanitary and disgusting. In homes with cats, cat hair floats in the air and gets all over my clothes. Cat hair is hard to remove.

3, When I was in high school, my mother took in a stray, male cat. That cat repeatedly sprayed and pooped on my pillow. With three siblings, I couldn't keep the door closed. Hated that cat.

  1. One summer, my boyfriend, Dave, took off the couch back cushion because he was hot. Sitting on a towel, Dave didn't want to get the couch sweaty. Walking behind the couch, that cat reached up and raked his claws down Dave's back, drawing blood. With no provocation.

  2. I have never met a friendly cat. They are skittish, neurotic animals.

@LiterateHiker ok. Just curious. I've seen psychotic cats. They're scary. There's nothing worse than a peeing cat


I find a water gun to be the best way to control cats. They hate water, but it doesn't risk permanent damage. Great for getting them off a table or cabinet. Once they know about it, they will avoid.


Have to keep them in their place.?


Do ya sleep with your bedroom door shut tight? Cats will seek revenge on those who annoy them,purses,favorite clothing articles,shoes,peed on,or worse sometimes.....


Read my post. I'm driving to my friend's house where the cats are, to feed them and clean out the stinky litter box every other day. For three weeks.

No cats in my home, EVER.


If you take the time to get to know them, and treat them nicely, perhaps you'll see a more agreeable side ... in many ways, they're just like little humans.

lol better than most humans, I think....

@thinktwice I hear ya ! I was referring to their ability to discriminate, and the need to prove yourself worthy of them first - before they decide to show their sweet side !

@evergreen They do sense and they do cats picked me, not the other way around...ha ha ha...they are also taking care of my dog, who gets lonely when we are not around, so they are empathetic as well...


I am totally opposite...I love cats and would have 30 if I could afford the vet bills! With that said, I find your method of stopping the cats from going out humorous....cats are very smart and learn quickly...I used a fly swatter when they were kittens and now, I just have to pick one up and they scatter.

I currently am down to two black cats, having lost two this past year to old age. I will probably get two more sometimes down the road.

Be careful, though...they are also vengeful and might trip you any chance they get....ha ha ha...

Do felines live longer than Dogs? Most big Dogs get about 12 years, and old age, and all it's afflictions get them.

@Mike1947 Generally, smaller breed dogs live longer than larger breeds. But just like humans - with better nutrition and medical care , both dogs and cats are enjoying longevity. It's not at all unusual any more for both species to make it to 15-20, or beyond !

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