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Truth in advertising:
realistic bathroom sign in Hat Yai, Thailand

birdingnut 8 Feb 9

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sigh We miss out on so much humor in America because of this Puritan stick up society's ass. >😟


I like one that read "We don't care. Come on in and pee."


And in English too. The Thais must have thought it was better to be unambiguous in case the Farang missed it. Last time I was in Hat Yai there were few English signs at all. But that was years ago.

This was a brand new mall that looked like it was still being built, so that was likely the case. But most bathroom signs in big malls and stores have "toilets" in English next to Thai writing.


heh heh... cute... Curious: is there a significance of the red & black colors?

Colors have significance in Thailand, but only in relationship to the days of the week and when you were born.
In this case, the woman is pink, so might be catering to foreigners, who often see pink as feminine, since it shows pictures instead of the usual Thai language sign.

Thai men commonly wear pink, but some are aware of Western customs.


Doing the "pee-pee dance."

JK666 Level 7 Feb 10, 2018
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