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What sentence will trigger an entire fan base?

GuitarDoctor 7 Nov 20

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Not a sentence, but still.


Help me make points? Maybe


From the great Stargate SG1 trilogy.


Don't you just love Tom Brady and the Patriots?


Doctor Who is vastly superior to all American science fiction - and don't even get me started on comic book super heroes.


Why didn't Dumbledore just use the force to by pass the Klingon army and drop the ring into Mt. Doom?


There are other memes with a similar message, but this is still my favorite. And it potentially triggers another group: grammar nerds. ?


"Some people post mindless bullshit on this site just for points".

If you're not interested in the topics I post here, or the conversations I'm trying to start, you don't have to comment.

@celticagent Did I address this to someone specific? LOL hahahahahaha

Triggered! I win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahaha

@SkotlandSkye blocked!


"It goes to 11."


"It really tied the room together"

Seems like movies are the most salient examples for me today.

I'm sure one could choose any number of political memes... covfefe... never the less she persisted...

"Oh no, they killed Kenny. You bastards!"


Covfefe baby!

Holy crap... that came to my mind at the same time!

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