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Does every woman love jewelry?

I recently heard a radio commercial that claims- "every woman loves jewelry." Is this true?
Are there women who find jewelry unnecessarily ostentatious?
Are there women who would love to see the money more wisely spent (for example: on education, cancer research or a high-yield CD)?
Are there women who are are offended that some believe a woman's affections can easily be bought with baubles?

Diogenes1972 6 Nov 20

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It's important to recognize that affection and genuine connections cannot be bought with material possessions. Each person's feelings and affections are based on deeper emotional connections and shared experiences.

For those who do appreciate jewelry or are looking for inspiration, you might find some beautiful pieces at []. However, it's equally important to respect the choices and values of individuals who may prioritize different things in life.

Ultimately, it's about understanding and embracing the unique perspectives and desires of each individual, without making assumptions or imposing generalizations.


The claim that every woman loves jewelry is a generalization that may not hold true for everyone. Personal preferences and priorities vary among individuals, and it's essential to respect those differences.


Meh. Take it or leave it.


I love jewellery so much, I make it myself.

That said, I know a few women who don't. But they don't want 'high-yeild CDs,' either, whatever those are. Unless they're discs you can pack a lot of info on, then they might be.)


In theory, no. However ... I have yet to personally meet one who would turn away a pretty (and preferably expensive) piece of jewelry.

Consider it the culmination of over a century of brilliant marketing by the DeBeers syndicate. "A Diamond is Forever", coined in 1947, is considered by many to be "the best advertising slogan of the 20th century".


I don't care if she likes it or not. I am all about a naked woman with earrings, long necklaces, waist links, bicep bands, wrist, and ankle, bracelets. Rings on fingers and toes are encouraged.

And then a softly lit room, a four poster with semi-transparent curtains.


I love jewelry and feel naked without it. I don’t wear costume or silver pieces.
I prefer classic and tasteful pieces in yellow gold with precious or semi precious stones as that goes best with my complexion.


Nope. I rarely wear jewelry. I might like some cute nifty pieces of costume jewelry but I have no use for expensive diamonds. I'm allergic to most metals anyway and can only wear some sterling silver. I do wear jewelry for dance performances and take it off as soon as I'm off stage.


If you ask because you are considering a gift for someone, I suggest a pretty card with an invitation to join you for a jewelry shopping trip valued at (insert $$ value).
I enjoy jewelry and always wear at least earrings and a silver ring. Someday I’d like to wear a wedding ring again. I like a sparkle but most of my jewelry falls into the “artisan made” or “costume” category. I had a lovely aquamarine wedding ring that I just couldn’t appreciate wearing on my other hand, so I gave it to my daughter.
This stirling silver, locally handcrafted bracelet is one of my favorites because it has a nice weight and is oval, for comfort. A friend and I wear them to symbolize our lifelong connection.

UUNJ Level 8 Nov 20, 2018

Not a priority for me though I do like some things. No diamonds do not want blood on my hands.


Nope! Years ago my (ex)husband gave me earrings, likely expensive, purchased by some woman making the rounds at work with that same mantra - that every woman loves jewelry! They were nothing like I would ever want to wear, so I never wore them. New in box, as they say. No reason to keep them. Waste of money, when we were struggling financially. I resented the expenditure at the time.

I rarely wear jewelry, although I have admired some beautiful pieces on others. I do like the necklace in the image to the left, though I would likely never wear it. I think I'm a fan of selectively choosing something special for myself and having it be a bit of a trademark or symbol with a greater significance than its outward beauty.

I do wear the same pair of earrings (I bought myself) every day, to fill in the holes my dad pierced in my ears against my wishes when I was a teen ager. The holes look funny without something covering them up. I also sometimes wear a "hawaiian gold" bangle bracelet my family chipped in to buy me on my 50th birthday, with my hula name inscribed on it. The name inscribed has significance for me.

I also treasure another bracelet given to me by someone special, it was his very own that he used to wear, so it's a bit manly and I seldom wear it outside the house, but I like putting it on once in a while and smiling at the gift truly from his heart.

I have a $300 necklace I wore to my daughter's wedding 7 years ago, purchased at her insistence that I needed something to set off the dress we'd picked out for me to wear. Have never worn it since - seems a waste to have it sitting in its box, never to be worn again, while I struggle to scrape together enough money to fix my car. I can't imagine ever wearing it again, unless it would be to their 25th wedding anniversary party or something well in the future. It's really not me. Once in a while I will see if it goes with something else I have in my closet, but nope! Only the dress I wore that day. Too fancy for most events I attend. On the fence as to whether it would be wrong to sell it. I'll probably keep it for sentimental reasons or to pass down.

Many of the items in my jewelry box are from my mother and grandmother. I'm keeping them in case my son or daughter would ever like to make a piece of jewelry using a combination of the diamonds and other gemstones in the box, family heirlooms. For the most part, I don't really value expensive jewelry.

Thank you for your considered comments. 🙂

Sounds like time to sell some pieces.


I hate it when people buy me jewelry. It's not that I hate jewelry, I'm just really specific on what I wear/own.


My wife doesn't really like it. She wears her wedding ring and engagement ring.


No. I wear it once in a while but have never once liked a piece that someone else got me. Then I have to act like I like it and try to find something to wear with it. It's just awkward. If it's expensive it makes me feel obligated in a gross way. Never been my thing though.

I don't think people should by clothes and jewelry for others unless it is something very specific they know they will enjoy.

MsAl Level 8 Nov 20, 2018

My ex-boyfriend's other girlfriend (I'm poly) used to buy me jewelry even though I've told her a million times I detest people buying jewelry for me. It's extremely hard to appear grateful when the person giving you the gift ignores your preferences over and over.

I finally had enough and threw the last one back at her and asked her what part of "I don't like people buying jewelry for me is not clear to you". Of course both her and my boyfriend accused ME of being rude even though I've spent a good part of a year and a half being nice about it.

I broke up with them shortly after this blow up.


This is silly, we know that even early hominids wore adornments. This has only recently been a 'female only' affectation. Jewellery can be very precious but should not be gender bound.


The jewelry thing has basically been implanted in our psych through marketing and advertising....

Hmmm probably not, we have worn adornments forever

@Amisja Of course, but if you look at older and more primitive cultures men and women were adorned more equally. It's only been in modern times that women wear the vast majority of the jewelry.

@Dhiltong agreed

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