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QUESTION One Small Step for Satanists, One Giant Leap for Abortion Rights? -

The decision comes in the midst of a legal battle between the Massachusetts-based Satanic Temple and the State of Missouri over state abortion laws that require those seeking an abortion to receive an ultrasound, read a booklet that states, “The life of each human being begins at conception. Abortion will terminate the life of a separate, unique, living human being,” and wait seventy-two hours. The Satanic Temple is taking a unique approach to the lawsuit, arguing that the law prohibits Doe’s right to free exercise of religion by promoting the belief that human life begins at conception (contrary to the belief of Satanists) and by placing substantial burden on her. The case was originally dismissed at the circuit court level because the courts believed Doe was not motivated by religious belief, but last October the Missouri Court of Appeals approved it to be heard by the state Supreme Court.

zblaze 7 Feb 10

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The actual ruling has not come down yet (2/10/2018). However, there was a small victory when the Solicitor General of Missouri said in court that the ultrasound was not mandatory in the law.

See:http: []


So...a fetus should be treated as...what?

A fetus. Not as a baby, child or as a person.


The struggle for the right to doubt is ongoing.


The real issue is that Christians are imposing their religious beliefs on the rest of us. My feelings about this issue are based on science and social issues. My disagreement is not directly linked to my religious (non)beliefs but my beliefs are at least equally valid and it is a violation of my freedom of/from religion to have someone else’s religious beliefs imposed on me.


Gotta give the satanists credit, they're beating the christians at their own game. More power to them.

Satanists = pissed off atheists. (In some cases - I've done some research.). Ok pissed off Atheists with sex clubs. 😉

@RavenCT I think, in many respects, they're dash clever.

All satanists are atheists. What exactly do ones sexual proclivities have to do with their lack of religiosity? I'm willing to bet my life that there are plenty of xtians who have "sex clubs" as you put it.

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