4 8

This video literally made me tear up. I remember how wonderful and free I felt when I had come to the realization that the threat of Hell was nothing more but mental and emotional abuse used as a control mechamism to control its victims.

EmeraldJewel 7 Feb 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Great video!!


That video is awesome.
I'm going to have to use that line "If I'm going to hell, you could at least give me fucking directions."
the next time a bible thumper tells me I'm going to hell.

Great! I’m glad you like it!


Nice video. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Feb 11, 2018

Hell is a real place. It's in Michigan. I went there before and had a pulled pork sandwich at a local bar. Now whenever someone tells me to go to Hell, I just tell them that the pulled pork sandwich was delicious and watch them get confused.

Lol that’s funny.

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