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What shows have you been enjoying recently?

I've gotten into My Hero Academia, an anime that is amazing, and have been obsessed with Criminal Minds as well.

PolyWolf 7 Nov 26

Enjoy being online again!

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binged all 5 seasons of vikings, AHS: apocalypse, second season of the sinner. next is either the second season of westworld or the 7th of game of thrones.


I like the "Americans."

i can't wait for the next season to come out! and the next season of homeland

IMO the Americans is the best series in recent times. @coralisthree


I am binge watching Heroes on Netflix...I absolutely loved Sense 8...I stopped watching Criminal Minds because it was freaking me out a bit...too scary to think of real psychos out there...

I love most of the crime shows from Europe...and also Ray Donovan.

I can understand in re: Criminal Minds. I don't have to worry, because I'm not anywhere near as hot as you. Heroes is awesome! So was Sense 8, pissed they canceled it.

I'm not familiar with Ray Donovan, will check it out. Thanks!


Supergirl, the flash. Black lightning, masterchef and especially masterchef jr. I love the kiddies!


Recently binged all of Rick & Morty. Fantastic show.

Pretty much all things Marvel & DC. Real excited for season 2 of Runaways in a couple weeks!

The Good Place is the smartest show on tv right now. And one of the funniest.

Adam Ruins Everything is back for season 3 and I'm pumped! Love that show!

Into The Badlands is amazing.

Just finished my second watch thru of Person of Interest. One of the best sci-fi shows in the last decade.

The Expanse is probably the best sci-fi show currently airing. Can't wait for Amazon to put out season 4.

iZombie is astoundingly good. Best twist on a zombie premise you'll ever find. And the only one where the hero is a crime fighting zombie.

I'm sure I'll think of more but that's off the top of my head.


i just got back into watching criminal minds after a break from that. it's still good! but i've been watching murphy brown, old murphy brown, new murphy brown, all murphy brown, and of course doctor who. my new show is new amsterdam, which made me cry last week. i do spend a lot of time just watching whatever is on the science channel, until they start showing mega monster big machines making lots of noise with heavy metal in the background, and then i go looking for something else to watch, or more accurately listen to.



After finally ..listening to all 57 audiobook hours of The Rise & Fall of the 3rd Reich this summer, I’ve been semi-addicted to WW2 battle programs.. Now the fighter planes 🙂

And.. the Netflix series on The 60’s, 70’, 80’s … I’ll try to make it through them all, but having lived them.. it’s almost too painful to watch. Though I’d ‘recommend them,’ as realistic TV, especially to younger folks ... damn - I still can’t change anything 😕

...also, Netflix series with David Letterman, ‘my next guest is’ - Choice ~

Varn Level 8 Nov 26, 2018

I used to not care for Letterman, but his new show's much better. Thanks for the recommendations!

@PolyWolf Don’t think I’d ever sat through a Letterman show, so didn’t know what to expect.. What a spectacular first program, though 😀

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