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Migrant mother flees tear gas with daughters

"Violent gangs," my foot. Trump is lying- no surprise there- about migrants seeking asylum in the U.S.

Using tear gas on migrants seeking asylum is anti-American, cruel and inhumane.


LiterateHiker 9 Nov 27

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I think it is bizarre that POTUS is Mr. Bizarre, and he committed a despicable act to tear gas foreigners who are legally trying to visit our port of entry.

I've been tear gassed and survived unharmed. My concern for those wanting to apply for immunity is based on their condition and prospects for the future. Moreover, I'm concerned for us as climate change forces more and more people from their homes, with multitudes, I suspect, wanting entry into the "land of pleanty." Expected sea level rise by 2100 will displace billions who live near a sea coast. Where will they go? The policy of this government seems to be:

BIllions will die in a few years, may as well make all we can on arms sales to thin the masses early, so the future problem will be less.

The US government has been cruel for a long time, on foreign soil where only a few saw the carnage. With better news coverage, we have been exposed. Now, they pretend the war has come to our border. What in Trump's mind will win him the title Dictator of America? He wants it. He will win it or die trying (maybe go to jail). I believe he thinks he will go to jail if he doesn't become dictator. That motivates him.

Our government is bizarre. LOL We live in interesting times.


Wasn't Ferguson's tear gassing around the holidays in '14 and then the hosing down of native americans for the holidays in 2016? Seems like we have a biennial tradition of egregious human rights abuses emerging. How festive.

@Wurlitzer (cool name—do you own/play one?). We’re on the same page. I was at Standing Rock, but after two of the worst assaults on Oct 27 & Nov 20 - the photo I posted is from that night. Water cannons, tear gas, percussion grenades including one that blew Sophia Wilinsky’s arm off....on Obama’s watch...

@Bobbyzen thankya I do play keys, don't have an original Wurlitzer EP of my own yet sadly, just a keyboard with a close enough voice for now. Someday though.


It’s despicable, continuing America’s long history of tear gassing unarmed brown people: Demanding the right to vote in the 50’s. Demanding justice for Michael Brown in Ferguson in 2014. Natives protecting their drinking water from the Dakota Access Pipeline in 2016.

Jinx, I gotta start payin attention. That is a most interesting pattern to me too.


Of course Trump is lying. And firing tear gas into a foreign and sovereign country violates international law. But, why should the U.S. care. Since 2010, 10 people have been shot in Mexico by border patrol and 6 died; this is a direct violation of an agreement with Mexico. Why Mexico tolerates it? I don't know.


Some are saying there is over 500 known criminals in the caravan. Known to whom? Trump says "they are not sending their best." Who are "they" that is sending anybody? Conservative sites are saying the immigrants are waiting to get 20,000 people and then they will "rush the border." To do what? Just what does that accomplish?

Simple facts are that this charade is a scare tactic and is being used to help Trumpy get his border wall. Wake up! Have their been caravans before? Of course! Now the tear gas makes Donnie look bad but he says it won't hurt anybody. Some idiot said it is no stronger than hot sauce for food. OK, try putting hot sauce in your eyes. Now that Donnie is looking bad he claims that woman in the picture is not the mother. She is a "grabber." They grab children and make a run for our borders.

Long after that moron is dead we should be holding somebody responsible for all of this simply because they allowed it to go on. Is anyone fit to govern?


We should not rest until he is out of office,hopefully transitioning directly to a prison cell?

I really can't believe it hasn't happened already. How many more laws does he get to break, & what is taking Mueller so long??

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