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What is your worst blind Date Experience?

I was recently set up on a blind date by a good friend who had a mutual friend that though we should meet.

I know that everyone has their likes and dislikes so i ask my friend if this guy is attracted to larger guys. My friend was like yes, he is a chaser= Person who likes chub or over weight people. After finding out more about this guys looks, i told my friend i would go out with him.

So we go out to one of my favorite restaurants on a Saturday night around 7pm. This guy was decent looking with a neat appearance plus he was very nice, but it was obvious pretty quick that there was no chemistry between us. It was literally the quietest dinning experience i have ever had in my life.
There was hardly no conversation and we both found ourselves mostly interacting on our smart phones.

Well the date ended and we parted our separate ways.

The next morning i received a text from this guy, and i quote:

"Hey man, i had a nice dinner but to be honest, i am really into bigger guys 350lbs and above"



Please share with me your worst blind date experience.

twshield 8 Nov 30

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The one that never happened.... 😟

@twshield Yup, still crying about it...... 🙂

@twshield ......doesn't really make me feel any better but I appreciate the effort 🙂 Enjoy your Saturday !!!


After sending off - two guys to their future wives after blind dates? Phew. I was much younger. lol

One resembled "Biff" from "Back to the Future" and was just about as charming. But it wasn't his looks that put me off. It was his attitude. And that my coworker thought we somehow would suit each other? (Other than height? Not so much),

And the other literally cried about the love of his life dumping him. And his all vegan diet due to - hmm? I believe it was some form of Colitis given the description.

It's really fun to find out what friends/family/coworkers think of who you match with. Especially the co-workers because you have to remain calm and "positive" about the whole thing.

@twshield The one pining for his ex - was foisted on me by my Aunt and Uncle. He was a partner for their Cribbage playing group! (Yay!).

So I put up with him and got him back with his ex eventually. He was lucky I was an "active listener". (He was pretty religious too!) So I dodged that bullet.

It's not always horror - but now and then you have to wonder if your circle of acquaintances has a clue don't you? I bet we all could do WAY better matching you up with someone. 😉


No blind dates, but my worst online dating site date: met a guy I’d been chatting with for a couple months. He seemed so nice...famous last words, lol. He lived about an hour away so we planned to meet halfway at a restaurant. I pulled in to the parking space and before I could get out, he jumped into my car and started grabbing me! I got away, locked the doors, and shook all the way home. Narrow escape!


That is some crazy shit. I'm sorry, but also glad he didn't lead you on.

I've never been on a blind date. After reading some of these comments, I'm not sure I want to try it. lol


I had to think about it for a bit, and it dawned on me.
I've never been on a blind date.

But I would imagine that if there was one, it would have probably been set up by a friend that knows me well, so It's possible that it might work out.


A blind date might actually improve my chances... it's the deaf dates that make me feel awkward


I've had two blind date experiences, neither one good.

The first one was arranged by my sister-in-law, with one of her friends from high school. She was attractive and had three children. We talked on the phone and decided to go to dinner. When I arrived to pick her up, she invited me in and I noticed a lot of indications that she was very religious -- crosses on the walls, photos of Jesus, and the like. She also told me that she wouldn't let me see her children for a long time, which I didn't have a problem with, but it seemed a little odd, since a mutual friend set us up. To make a short story longer, we had dinner and the conversation from her end was mostly about her religious devotion. Needless to say, that was our last date.

The second one was from an on-line site, back in the olden days, when there weren't very many dating sites. We chatted on-line, she seemed interesting, her age was near mine at the time, her photo looked attractive, we had mutual interests, and we arranged a lunch meeting. When I saw her in person, she looked about thirty years older than me -- old enough to be my mother -- and she walked with a cane. She was a very nice lady, but I found I had no attraction to her.


I was set up by a nurse I was working with. Her son had seen me briefly and wanted to take me out. Reluctantly I said ok. He shows up looking totally “Texan”. Driving a dualy, rodeo shirt, starched and creased jeans and the biggest cowboy hat I had ever seen. It was all I could do not to laugh.

We went to a country bar and he wanted to line dance. I don’t line dance. I had only been in America for a couple months and country is not my thing. My roommate happened to be there and I was able to bail on the date after a little while. She pretended to be drunk so I would have to drive her home.


Argh, that's rough. I'm sorry.

Mine was actually somewhat similar, with a slightly different ending.

I went out with this woman who was in college, and was an art major. I'd decided that an art museum would put her in her prime and give us a good chance to talk, because I know basically very little about art, even though I enjoy it. I was told approximately what she looked like and she sounded reasonably smart.

I intentionally went out of my way to call everything in the art museum something really abstract and odd. This wasn't to test her, but more to get her to say anything, because I noticed right away she appeared to have no opinions at all about any art. The extent of her opinions were, "I like it", and "I don't like it." I tried to ask for clarification and got, "I don't know."

Afterward, I told her straight-away that I wasn't that jazzed about the date and would not be asking her out again. She texted me the next day with, "I cracked my ribs while riding my horse today because of how upset I was at you." I didn't even reply.

@twshield It was such a passive-aggressive response that I was pretty upset by it. I showed my partner (we're polyamorous, hence my name), and she was like, "What the f---? You dodged a bullet here."

@pepperjones Yeah. I don't do well with that kind of... What even is it?! It's like aggressive passive aggressivism.

@pepperjones it’s like a guy I had only emailed/texted with who, when I told him I wasn’t interested, he sent a bunch of texts that I ignored, along the lines of ‘talk to me. Answer me!’ The grand finale: ‘if you don’t answer me, I’m going to kill myself’. I blocked him at that point. I was thinking though: how fucking dare you?! Alternatively laughing and thinking: great plan dude, you should totally go with that. ?
To be clear, it was open manipulation and I had no idea who he even really WAS. I wouldn’t take a true suicide threat lightly at all. But the nerve of passive-aggressive folks, ugh.

@CarolinaGirl60 liking because of appreciation of comment, that sounds awful. People like that...aholes. Glad you blocked him.


My part time gf just said she was quitting the relationship because we had run of things to talk about on the phone.
It started out as a blind date, but we had been seeing each other about 16 months on the weekends.
I think she just found another guy.
So I'm back on the market ladies. Dont crowd, there's plenty for everyone.

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