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Why does this keep happening? I answered at least 50 replies downloaded six questions which has had numerous replies and my points went down? This just cannot be. I am not in it for the points but it is discouraging for those who are working for levels to have this happen over and over again.. I am sure it causes some to just give up.The other thing is I never seem to receive a response to this question and I find that to be very in appropriate.

Marine 8 Dec 3

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Clearly states that the point system can vary and/or change.


I've noticed my points haven't changed today despite my participation in posts and others liking or commenting on my posts. Something is definitely glitchy.


I'm having the same problem. My points are stuck, despite posting a question and actively liking and commenting.

@LiterateHiker I wonder if I will wake up to additional points in the morning.


The problem is still not fixed. Last evening, I sent a message to, asking them to investigate and fix the problem.

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@LiterateHiker Mine is still stuck as well. I think I read in another post what the issue could be and it’s likely to be fixed soon.


Still has not been fixed. My points are still stuck. Despite writing two posts, replying and liking other posts and comments.


That sucks because I hear when you get to level 7 the prizes become epic? I'm guessing a PBR tall boy or a fish with feet car decal....hard to tell.
I also heard about a fella who looked like a Tom Cruise doppelganger who made it to level 11. That's one better than ten. No one tells you about level 11 but we all know it exists. Rumor has it Tom 2.0 is living in a cave in Nepal taping togeather the shredded dootles of Stephen Hawkin having run out of things to read or comment on here.....


I didn’t think points could go down once you’ve bagged them: That sucks! I HAVE noticed the system (admins) having slowed down in adding points after posts and such recently, sometimes by a day. Is someone asleep at the switch? Time for a peasant revolt?


The last few days I have noticed that when I post new items or comments in the morning my points do not change at all until later that night (or the next morning). Seems like the system might need a little manual intervention every now and then to update the point tallys.


Are they controversial? If you made some enemies you could have gotten blocked by some key people that you post on alot or some of the things could have been deleted where alot of your posts were. It could be that the points go away if the post is deleted along with your responses.

MsAl Level 8 Dec 3, 2018

oops...I have probably screwed up peoples' points by deleting posts or comments...I did not know this..thanks...

@thinktwice That's just a guess. I have had really good thought out replies disappear though when the original post got too hot and the author deleted it.

@MsAl Explains a few things I noticed as well...I mostly delete goofy short comments where my fingers get ahead of my brain and I think better of it... I did not realize I was also deleting the people who commented...Thanks!

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