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Good for her.


I like her attitude. It will be an uphill battle though.


In other words... you need to have money or come from money or prostitute yourself to be an Intern.


I would vote for her in a heartbeat!


Yet again she is spot on. Shame on them.


She's going to get herself killed speaking truth to power like that.

On a side note, I think a seriously look should be taken at providing government housing or putting in place some strict rent controls so people working in the government there in DC (including Congressional staffers and interns) don't have to worry about getting other jobs.

It shouldn't only be for people working in Government.

How far would you extend it? You think all those highly-paid lobbyists should get a housing break?

That will be Just what ameriKKKa needs... Puertorricans Pissed for Real on all Gringos!!!! That will be the Wild Card they didn't saw coming.

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