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Federal court upholds New Jersey gun-control law limiting high capacity magazines



LiterateHiker 9 Dec 6

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Since this touches on the NRA I have a question, or concern. It has been shown that Russia has tried to influence much of what has been going on the politics with trump. Russia has been giving money to the NRA to help it with its firearm policies. Since Russia has no firearm policies, it is really hard to buy a gun there, the money paid was for the NRA to be able to funnel money and influence to trump and his cronies. If Russia really wanted to disrupt the election and make it more possible for trump to win, would they also not try to influence anyone in the US to get a gun so they can cause mayhem, strife and put people more against each other. That would aid the administration and give more money to the NRA.


Slowly the screw turns on this vile group. More lost lawsuits means more reductions in the NRA's dwindling finances. Maybe other localities will be emboldened to pass similar laws. Here in Washing just such a limiting law was voted on by the people.
[] passed 50% for and 41% against and the god (bad) NRA is trying another lawsuit.


Good thing that I won’t ever live in New Jersey ( or certain other states) they’d loose their minds.


It’s of little use when the states all around you have them available. Unlike guns which at least have some regulations everywhere, magazines require no identification, background checks or registration. It’s good they passed the laws, but not going to stop those who really want them.


It's a step in the right direction. Change happens over time, with two steps forward, one step back.

Hopefully, this will inspire other states and cities to address gun violence.


You cannot lose 100 lbs. in a day. It takes many weeks of low-calorie meals, exercise, and a lifestyle change.

Saying "There's no point in trying" is a loser's whine. I refuse to give up. Change takes time.

@OwlInASack, two things off on your thoughts. 1) if you want to compare it with something alcoholic, you would have to compare it to prohibition on a state by state basis. If one state outlawed it, and the states or, in the case of the Constitutional Amendment, neighboring countries, did not; it does not work. 2) New York and New Jersey already have some of the most strict gun laws in the nation. This will make little difference in how those who illegally own guns operate. 3) I just made a lovely grilled London Broil. The chance of me becoming a vegetarian are zero. Putting thousands of ranchers and the cattle industry out of business are by my guess about the same. In fact, other countries, as they gain spending money, buy more meat, not less.
I myself don’t support the sale of military style weapons and am very much against high capacity magazines, seeing no reasonable need for the average gun owner to have them. If you need 60 rounds of ammunition to kill a deer, you should give up hunting; someone is going to get hurt.

@LiterateHiker I could loose 100 pounds in about ten minutes, I could just cut off a leg. Perhaps I would need a little more so an arm? I know that is gross just trying to help you make your point. I know you do not need help but i do.


NY and NJ limit high capacity magazines. Excellent


I can't believe it had to go that damn far for a common sense ruling! I support gun rights, but damn!

NO ONE needs to own weapons that require high capacity magazines!!!

Those types of weapons belong in the battlefield or during threatcon Charlie or Delta levels. (Depending where in the world you are.)


Only after too many die needlessly?


A simply sensible ruling and a victory for public safety.


Now if we could just limit low-capacity gun owners we would be making real progress. Just sayin'......


It's a start. It may start something of a movement just like Colorado did with pot.

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