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What’s are some Austin bands I need to check out?

bugbear 3 Dec 7

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Go to Stubbs on Red River. Always some good music going on there plus BBQ.


Jeebus forking Krist

Why did you post 10 different posts asking about things in Austin? All of them could have been posted under a general heading of "Tell me about Austin, TX"

You look like you are just fishing for points and you're clogging up the newsfeed.

Don't be "that" guy.


I recently saw The Peterson Brothers as the warm up for Gary Clark Jr last month. If you're at all a fan of funky blues, you might want to check them out in their hometown...


Zster Level 8 Dec 7, 2018

I'm not from Austin but I think that the best place to check out bands are probably on 6th Street.

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