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Not the worst, by far!

They don't have jewish citizens. That doesn't mean apartheid.

18 Jewish residents in Egypt. I cannot find any indication that they have Egyptian citizenship. Can you provide any?

"The Jewish population of Egypt was estimated at less than 200 in 2007,[55] less than 40 in 2014,[54][56] and as of 2017, is estimated at 18 (6 in Cairo, 12 in Alexandria).[5] Marriage restriction has caused many members to convert to other religions, mainly Jewish women who convert to Islam, due to being married to Egyptian Muslim men. Because a Jewish man cannot marry an Egyptian Muslim woman, but an Egyptian Muslim man may marry a Jewish woman, the community has lost many male members who are no longer Jewish on official documents."


@Closeted Can you read?
The graphic said zero CITIZENS, it did NOT say zero RESIDENTS.

I'll need more than your assertion. Give me some verifiable evidence.

From the Wikipedia article:
"As Jews were denied citizenship as a rule, this constrained Jewish and foreign-owned entrepreneurs to reduce recruitment for employment positions from their own ranks."

A 2010 blog. Show me one of your "many webpages" dated 2018.

@Closeted I empathize. It can be frustrating when ones initial incorrect assumption cannot be supported by verifiable evidence. The best course of action in a case like that is to realize ones mistake and move on.
I hope that your day improves.


I never thought of Israel in that way.


Hmmm, in my studies of South Africa, blacks were not part of the government during the apartheid years...Arabs are part of the Israeli government

lerlo Level 8 Dec 8, 2018

'Arabs are part of the Israeli government' ? who is? Israel is hell bent on wiping Palestine and all Palestinians off the face of the planet.

@MsDemeanour That is regressive leftist group think. You have it completely backwards. The Palestinians have sworn to continue fighting until Israel is destroyed and all the Jews are exterminated.

@PBuck0145 I don't know where you have your misinformation from. The Israeli Times? THe palestinians haven't a hope in hell. They are fighting with the equivalent of rocks while Israel have sophisticated weaponry and the support of the US. Check out the history. How borders organised by the United Nations have been ignored. NOthing new there with the USA tho. []

@MsDemeanour I know facts get in your way but here are some[]
Arabs have always been part of the Israeli knesset unlike apartheid South Africa where the majority was not in the government

Continue fighting with what?

@lerlo Thanks for the info lerlo. I'm always grateful to learn more. I notice they aren't Muslims members tho. Yet another religious sect: Druze. There are also some Xtians, but of course no Palestinians.This intolerable situation in this part of the world comes down to the bloody religion one happens to born into once again. It IS worse than SA because palestinians are being ousted, borders reduced. You seem to imply I am jew bashing. I hate injustice and I hate it when religion, any religion is the cause. I'll bet anything the news source in my country is more accurate than yours basically because Australia has no investment except a gov't hell bent on sucking up to USA. We do, however have independent gov't funded news.

@MsDemeanour No, you just misread the article, Sunni Muslims don't count? (See bottom chart or re-read article I sent earlier)--here is another site showing that Arabs in Israel gaining more seats...[]
and the one about the Palestinian woman in the Knesset: []
I didn't imply anything but to post such a ludicrous statement needed to be refuted. I bet good ol Mandela himself wouldnt have even come close to comparing the two countries. A country where the majority of the population wasnt even included in the government vs one that has always had such representation? If you recall Israel was created as a Jewish State and it still allows it's minority into the government. I bet if the Mauris said their goal was to drive you into into the sea you wouldnt be so tolerant huh? You're of course allowed your opinion but there is no possible comparison between the two countries. So show me your wonderful Australian news source that says blacks were allowed into the government during Apartheid South Africa and that only non-Muslim Arabs are allowed into the Knesset. So much for free-thinking
Current Arab members (17)
Knesset member Party(s) Knesset(s) Comments
Hamad Amar Yisrael Beiteinu 18, 19, 20 Druze
Taleb Abu Arar Taleb Abu Arar United Arab List
Joint List 19, 20 Bedouin
Niven Abu Rahmoun Joint List 20
Juma Azbarga Joint List 20 Bedouin
Issawi Frej Issawi Freij Meretz 19, 20 Sunni Muslim[1]
Masud Ghnaim Mas'oud Ghnaim United Arab List
Joint List 18, 19, 20 Sunni Muslim
Akram Hasson Kadima
Kulanu 18, 20 Druze
Said al-Harumi Said al-Harumi Joint List 20
Yousef Jabareen Yousef Jabareen Joint List 20
Ayoob Kara Ayoob Kara Likud 15, 16, 18, 20 Druze, Former Deputy Knesset speaker
Ayman Odeh Ayman Odeh Joint List 20 Non-religious
Saleh Saad Zionist Union 20 Druze
Ahmad Tibi Ahmad Tibi Balad
United Arab List
Joint List 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 Sunni Muslim
Aida Touma-Suleiman Aida Touma-Suleiman Joint List 20 Christian
Abd al-Hakim Hajj Yahya Abd al-Hakim Hajj Yahya Joint List 20
Jamal Zahalka Jamal Zahalka Balad
Joint List 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
Haneen Zoabi Haneen Zouabi Balad
Joint List 18, 19, 20 Sunni Muslim.[2] First Arab woman elected to the Knesset on an Arab party's list.

@lerlo I never said SA blacks were allowed into government. But at least they weren't kicked out of their own country. In SA they became the virtual slaves to whites, very cheap labour in any case. Now back to the article. The apartheid referred to relates to Palestinians and Israelis. I'm not sure I'd call it apartheid either. More like genocide.Palestinians are prohibited from crossing the ever changing border. Anyway you lose credibility referring to Maoris and Australia. We have no history with them. YOu were probably thinking of Austria.

@MsDemeanour So now you're backing off the no Palestinians in the government, keep backtracking. Guess you need to learn about Aparthied before comparing the countries then. Sorry, Israel is not the Palestinians' country but you can believe all the propaganda you want, they left expecting the Jews to be wiped out and they were wrong. Perhaps your wonderful news doesnt cover the rocket attacks into Israel huh? Excuse my spelling, "Maoris" knew what I meant. Speaking of credibility, perhaps you should learn about your own country first...[]
also, speaking of prejudice...what about the White Australia Policy?
20th century
Avoiding the White Australia Policy, 1902–1950s
Māori generally benefited from the same immigration and voting rights as white New Zealanders in Australia, making them a notable exception to the White Australia policy. In 1902, with the Commonwealth Franchise Act, Māori residents in Australia were granted the right to vote, a right denied to Indigenous Australians. During that same period, their right to settle in Australia was facilitated by their shared status as British subjects.[9]

In 1948, however, Australia's federal Minister of Immigration attempted to ban Māori from settling in Australia, in accordance with the White Australia policy. Invoking existing immigration law which excluded Polynesians from Australia, the minister argued that Māori were Polynesians, and could therefore be excluded on racial grounds. The attempt reportedly created a minor diplomatic incident with New Zealand, and the minister involved apologised. Further attempts to restrict Māori immigration in the 1950s were overturned as they violated Māori rights as British subjects and as New Zealand citizens.[10

@lerlo I'm not so petty as to pick up a spelling mistake. I do know my own history. There is another country nearby called New Zealand which does have a history with Maoris. Mine does not. I was being facetious when I said Austria but thought you might realise that. I guess not. As for Palestine if you had looked at how the borders have changed over the years in the link I provided you will see how much has been taken over by Israeli army (supported by US). Palestinians didn't LEAVE voluntarily and Israel won't be satisfied until their genocide is complete. YOu can believe all the american propaganda you want but if I were you I'd get some 'world news' views so that you can get a more realistic view of what is happening in the world. The United Nations and Palestine want a two state resolution. Israel does not.

@lerlo Many christians support the Israeli state because they believe it is a prerequisite to the second coming of christ. More religious bullshit to influence politics and people's lives

@MsDemeanour You're standing by the Australia has no history with the Maori people. Wow. Maybe it's a reading disorder?
The borders changed because Israel won wars when it was attacked--ever heard of a country giving back territory after a war? I guess you don't know about the Israelis that want a two state solution but then again you don't know your own country.
I know you apparently can't read but maybe you'll believe the Jerusalem Post? []
What do Christians have to do with it--can't back up your original Aparthied claim?

@callmedubious Not familiar with rocket attacks on Israel?

@OwlInASack Apparently you too are a little light on the history but in keeping with the original post...Aparthied in S. Africa and Israel's relationship with the Palestinians aren't close to comparable. If the minority population in your country's motto was to drive the majority into the sea, how would you think the government should react? if the minority sent rockets daily into where you have lunch what would you do? You got "a land grab mandated by god" from where? Come back to me when you have the facts

@lerlo And you really should quit relying on Wiki for your source.

@OwlInASack I understand that someone asking for facts is rude to someone who doesn't have any. I get your anti-zionism, you get to believe whatever you want and I'm sure the Holocaust didn't exist. If some Indian tribe from a neighboring state started sending Rockets into your neighborhood I bet you wouldn't be so understanding

@lerlo You seem to have a penchant for rudeness to people who disagree with you. I hope you will not persevere with that line with me. You make the standard defences of Israel, with which I am familiar and won't go over old ground. One thing they often have in common is to compare Israel favourably with, say, Arab regimes or as in your case, the White Australia policy. All I will say on that is when someone needs to justify something on the grounds that "it's not as bad as ...." then they have already admitted that they need a very low bar to get over it. The other quibble that you have about Palestinians having a voice in Israeli politics is largely bogus. There are Arab members of the Knesset, but generally Palestine nowadays refers to the occupied territories, so MsDemeanour has a valid point. If you listened more and knee-jerked less you would have a higher standard of debate. I'm prepared to debate the analogy between apartheid South Africa and Israel or even between the Shoah and the Nakba, but not if you are just going to go into abuse, hysteria or 'what if'-ery.

@Gareth I prefer the people making outlandish comments can back it up. How did Israel get its" occupied territories?" Find any place where I said that it's not as bad as apartheid but still bad. Funny when you call someone out here that makes you rude. I'll continue to be just as rude when people suggest I have no credibility or I'm just an American or whatever else they want to use when they can't back up their beliefs. Thanks for jumping in

@lerlo You're welcome. Manners are clearly not your thing, so after giving you time to read this, I'll block you. Have a nice day.

@MsDemeanour yes you had to finish with name calling...did you look up the Maori population of Australia yet?

@OwlInASack show me where I called you any names mister polite. Show me any country in history that has had to give back land it won in a war, you can't. They can build whatever they want on the land they won and it's theirs. Not stolen from anyone won in a war. Your beliefs are your own your Jewish friends have their own beliefs and you have no clue what it's like to live in a situation where terrorists send Rockets your way everyday,have a nice life. Happy to debate you anytime on any subject because you have no facts.

@lerlo , so they have seats in govt but yet the population is essentially confined in a walled concentration camp where every few years they are attacked & 1000s of civilians have been killed?????

@callmedubious Guess you now know what they can fight with

@Closeted Let me guess, had the Arabs won the war would it be "occupied territory?"

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