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How do you deal with asshole atheists/agnostics

You know, maybe it's the humanist side of me, but for some weird reason I attract asshole Atheists/Agnostics. Like the type that basically act like an arrogant logic hoarder, where everything is meaningless and they are superior to all other beliefs and logic is whatever they believe, not what is.

Now obviously, block, delete, and don't give power at the top of the list in dealing. But some are my co-workers and in a few cases are neighbors. So what other advice can you friends give to help me not let them steal what good energy I have?


Chilton704 5 Dec 9

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Assholes arent actually everywhere. They're just strategically placed so you run into one just about every day.

I've been an asshole at times. You've been an asshole at times. We've all played the role of asshole at different times and places.

That's called life.

SCal Level 7 Jan 12, 2019

At first, I thought you were someone coming from [] who thought they would be safe talking about atheists and agnostics in "that" community.


On these pages the vast majority of those I encounter are religious assholes that arrogantly assert the superiority of their faith (belief without evidence) over fact (things that can be demonstrated and tested) based observations of the atheists. My experience is your ". . . everything is meaningless and they are superior to all other beliefs and logic is whatever they believe, not what is." Applies to theists that falsely define "Truth" (what they (with faith) choose to believe) over demonstrable facts is their rubric for establishing their world reality.


I have met far more religious assholes, male and female.

"How can you be a moral person and be an atheist?" they ask. This is judgmental and tiresome.

"I do not need religion to know right from wrong," I reply. "Doing good and being kind are a daily choice."


In my experiences there are far, far more obnoxiously arrogant Theist arse-holes than there may be Atheist/Agnostic ones by far.


As far as arrogant know-it-alls, that's usually their personality even beyond topics of religion, so not a lot you can do about that.

But for people who seem to have no patience for folks who do not share their depth of hatred of religion, or impatience with those not quite on board with their cut and dry opinions of religion, I usually try to remind them that we are all on our own journey in or away from religion, traveling at our own speed. Some have to go farther than others, to reach the destination.

Some (like the arrogant ones you mention) have charged ahead so fast and so far with their dislike of religion that they can't relate to those still on their journey, and some are still so wound up in their hatred of religion they can't relate to folks who have been all the way there, and have unwound and softened up a bit, in order to be a bridge, welcoming others questioning religion across the divide to the side of reason.

A lot of these people just like to debate and get their kicks trying to make others feel ignorant about hypothetical situations that are neither here nor there. I just like to focus on what matters and is real around me and what I can do.

It takes all kinds, and those who can't contain their hatred should sometimes keep their bitterness to themselves, lest they scare others on their journey from continuing on their quest for sanity and reason.

Maybe just suggest they chill out a bit and let people come to their own conclusions in their own time and in their own way by speaking in more positive or thoughtful ways. Instead of sharing their own thoughts and conclusions as fact, maybe they can mention that they have read (this or that) and come to (this or that) conclusion, and ask their conversation target what they think of (this or that) instead of telling them what to think.


They’re everywhere, damnit. I treat them as I did students; if attention is what they crave, they’ll only get mine with respectable behavior. And if a reprimand is unavoidable, it will be devoid of drama.

At work, build coalitions that set you apart from the aggressive ag/atheist. Let others know that’s not behavior you condone. With their justified respect, you’re free to express any disbelief you have.

As far as the jerk, silence is golden 😉

Varn Level 8 Dec 9, 2018

Throw em another baby, they're probably just hangry.


I bring up the idea that just because a person no longer believes, that does not mean they abonadoned the dogmatic beliefs and peccadillos they picked up from religion. Just liek a drunk when they stop drinking still keeps all the flawed personality traits they had whiel drinking )often referred to as a dry drunk), many atheists keep a lot of baggage of dogmatic beliefs adn personality traits they developed to support their former beliefs, jus tliek the drunk did to support his drinking.

Usually, if ti hit the nail on the head, they get really pissed off an stop talking to and bothering me.

Problem solved.

Sometimes people pick up religious based dogmatic beliefs just because religion is so deeply ingrained in our culture. It does not always require a person to have once been religious to pick up dogmatic beliefs in order to better fit in with society and other people.

I've notice that "fundamentalism" isn't necessarily about religion. I see many atheists with some pretty "concrete" ideologies, and they refuse to budge. They falsely assume that because they've put away the god-belief, that makes the reasonable... but REASON makes us reasonable. And to be honest, I don't see a lot of that in our species at all... regardless of the ideology we park on top of it.

@Benthoven Fundamentalism is defined as: "a form of a religion, especially Islam or Protestant Christianity, that upholds belief in the strict, literal interpretation of scripture."

News Flash: Atheism has no scripture.

@NoMagicCookie: But they can be very fundamentalist in their ideology.

@NoMagicCookie Have you looked up what fundamentalism means? It is not limited to religion. []

@snytiger6 I actually quoted your link. Surprised you didn't make that correlation.

The second definition is "a strict adherence to the basic principles of any subject or discipline."

How is not accepting the baseless assertion that a god exists a "strict adherence to the basic priniples of any subjecto or discipline.?"


I have never dealt with atheist/agnostic assholes any differently than I have believer assholes. Once I know someone is an asshole, that's the foremost thing I know about them, and all other traits they possess fall into line behind that. The need to eliminate assholery in my life takes precedence.

Deb57 Level 8 Dec 9, 2018

Just be like whatever man, the Dude don't abide all this negative energy. Your harshing my buzz.

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