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LINK Rules Are for Schmucks: Death with Complication -

FTA: Life-or-death issues are terribly complicated, and we’re far from being in a good place. But we must get over our discomfort, and in the case of religion a total ban, regarding end-of-life decisions.

zblaze 7 Dec 9

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In the US, one would think that with the Declaration of Independence being among our founding documents, and its statement that we have, "...certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness...", would ensure that having the right to life would include the right to end our life.


This is why (at least in canada) it is VERY important that every person considers writing an Advanced Care Plan or personal directive when they write their will..

@John_Tyrrell Many of the Advanced Directives I have seen in the US are easily filled out without the need of a lawyer, and can be notarized by a Notary Public. Also, they can be altered and re-notarized when you feel like it.

@The-Krzyz same here ?

@John_Tyrrell the important I would think is that you have someone you trust who can make those decisions if you can't and it stipulates who in writing..

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