Former FBI Director James Comey asked American voters Sunday night to end Donald Trump's presidency with a "landslide" victory for his opponent in 2020.
Great and yet he doesn't do the last minute investigation into 'emails' we might not be going through this nightmare.
We can never account correctly for the Weak Minds with Voting Rights. Same could be said with all the burnie sanders followers that voted republiKKKan, green or stayed home to display their hate for Hillary... burnie stuck around for too long after it was over creating the scenario you mentioned about Comey email investigation results. There is a lot of blame to be handed out to create the Messed Up America is in now.
@Closeted I don't want to call them Stupid but... where you around during those days? Because it was all over the Media... all sides reported their Hate for Hillary and their Intention not to vote for her... I myself dropped one that I knew for more than 20 years when he crossed the Line into supporting trump... you want to call them stupid... you call them Stupid... I myself called them at the time burnie zombies... those days... not anymore. Trying to leave the past behind because I can not change it.
@Closeted I salute you. I myself like to vote for president only those that ever served. Don't want Lifetime Civilians as Commander in Chief. but after trump... All Bets are Off. Not Again.. Let that be a Lesson to Me how many Stupids together can Create a Major Mess of Incredible Proportions.