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Why some people posts here under two or more user names? I block these members as soon as I discover they do.


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I didn't know that was a thing here. I wonder why someone would do that...


Report, as suggested below it may not be one person it could be identity theft, in which case they want it reported so it can be fixed and if it is the same person any consequences are what you get for duplicity.

Kimba Level 7 Feb 14, 2018

I assume the adm. -after all this exchange- knows about this.


I agree with #Crimson67. If there is suspicion of multiple profiles for one user then reporting it is a service to all members.

Betty Level 8 Feb 14, 2018

If the admin can confirm they're doing this (i.e. two different IDs claiming to live miles apart, but coming from the same IP address), they should be warned. If they don't heed, then punt them.

Right @admin? I'm not trying to dictate policy, but that's outright deception.

I agree.


I'd alert Admin as well. That sounds like cat fishing or similar to me.


So would I. slippery fuckers. I block anyone who pisses me of which is 2 now.

Well, from the moment I blocked this member I realized that I was unable to read a second thread started by another person. According to my experience (10+ years) in other groups) this only means "one member / two user-names".

I agree with you


Well, to be completely honest some of the women I may or may not have sent very inappropriate disgusting sickening bordering on probably illegal in several southern states messages to may have good reason to change their identities.

I deny everything!


I was completely unaware that has been happening. Then again, I don't even
think about such things. I can only imagine that anyone having multiple "personas"
anywhere, but especially on this site, has something to hide, or is trying to misrepresent
themselves. Either way, seems damned shady to me.


If the profiles differ in any way, then I would be skeptical but if identical, what is the concern? They user might have assumed that the first account was not accepted.

I am not concerned.....but my experience in other sites tells me that some people do this to get people engaged in conversations for the wrong to jeopardize a group.


I can hardly deal with one profile, much less two! Sounds like some people have too much time on their hands, lol.


I see no need for a 2nd profile.

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