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Have you ever disliked someone for no reason?

EmeraldJewel 7 Dec 14

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I would like to think that I haven't but I'm sure I have to my shame


Not likely possible. There is always a may not understand or be able to express why you do not like someone, but there will always be a reason.


Yes. I only have so much like to spread around.


How about the vibe you feel?

That’s probably more it.


No, but I've had some pretty weak reasons.

JimG Level 8 Dec 14, 2018

I don't thinks so..... but. I believe I have been quick to judge at times. And I have learned that first impressions don't necessarily match up to the person.


Very often. When I meet someone for the first time, I almost always like or dislike them immediately for no fathomable reason. More often than not, that like or dislike turns out to be justifiable - the people I immediately like tend to turn out to be good, reliable, trustworthy people; those I dislike tend to be the opposite.

Jnei Level 8 Dec 14, 2018

When I first saw Trump on TV, promoting his (ghost written) biok "The Art of The Deal", I immediately disliked him without knowing why at the time.

I fidn my intuition about people is usually pretty good. Every time I ignored my intuitive feeling about a person, Ihave regretted it, as the personlater screwed me over in one way or another.

I think our instincts or immediate likes and dislikes evolved to help us better survive our fellow humans. When I listn to my instincts, I do much better than when I don't.


No, but I sometimes like people that it turns out I probably shouldn't.


Yes. I , unfortunately, have an instant dislike to individuals with very large heads. I don’t have a clue why. But, when it is someone I have to deal with personally, over time, I have to work to overcome that dislike.


I try to keep the instinct of a child inside me. Sometimes you cannot explain why you don‘t like someone. I‘m watching those people cautiously over a period of time to get sure if I‘m wrong or right. I try not to judge someone from the start.

Yucel Level 3 Dec 14, 2018

No I don't go that far. I do come across people who's face I'd like to stand on but that's because they're sniveling little gobshites...e.g. Nigel Farage and Michael Gove #twunts


Yes, I have a co-worker who I can't stand tp speek to. It might be his politics, but it started before I knew his views. It just seems like he's trying too hatd to impress.

Yes, but those are reasons..

@Kayterade5348 it started out for no reason, I think I found reasons to not like him. I have known other people with which I have the same issues, but I don't dislike them.


Depends on how you define "dislike" if you are talking about social media, no. If you mean fail to like a person, probably but in that event there is likely a reason even if I am not fully aware of the reason for my emotional response.


I’ve become fascinated by brain science and it turns out most of our decisions (probably all) are made subconsciously.

Probably turned off a lot of people with that comment.

To answer your question: Yes - it happens fairly often, And I’m typically suspicious of people who seem to “like” everyone.


You can learn a lot from the things that make you uncomfortable. Dive into reason. Don’t just blindly avoid.


Have you ever found yourself liking someone for no reason?

I like you... ?

No likes and dislikes without a reason.


When I meet someone new, I often have an immediate sense of being drawn in by them or repelled by them. I believe there are reasons, conscious and unconscious - sometimes obvious and more often much less so. My brain, heart and gut decide!

Animals in Translation - Our brains do alot of thinking for us.


Yes especially if my dog didn't like them.


Not really. The very few people I dislike, I dislike for a reason.


Yes. I've gotten a vibe from someone and immediately disliked them.


Well, I might not understand what the reason is right away, but there is always a reason if I don't like someone. And usually it has a lot more to do with me than with anything they have done. I find I am annoyed with people who have the same characteristics that I don't like about myself. It's like looking in a mirror and focusing on my perceived flaws. But this other person is getting the fallout of my insecure judgement.


Never. I'm very particular about who I really like or really hate.


Do ex-wives count ?


I try to be open when meeting someone new,but sometimes I just get a feeling that either we will be friends or that I just don't like them. Often, additional meetings validate my first impression. It is often true, however, that once we make a decision about a person we are very reluctant to let it go so we seek out confirming information and dismiss as a fluke anything that would indicate we're wrong. A lot of what we believe is gleaned through nonverbal communication so there really IS a reason we like or dislike the person.

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