I enjoyed this. What do you think? Any insight on the Southern Strategy in the 1960 would be nice to hear about, too. Goldwater is little more than a ghost of bad ideas to me, so I am surprised that I agree with his assessment.
They helped elect rump b/c they figured he was their best bet to cause the end times followed by the rapture when Jesus returns & takes them to be with the Lord.
Do you think that is a conscious decision for the average jesuseater?
@DoctoralZombie ,
I think they're all batshit crazy.
Are they ever truly conscious?
I tend to fear that we will need to refight the civil war. Hopefully we do it right.
I am not quite sure I follow, no coffee yet this morning, though. Would you care to elaborate?
@DoctoralZombie I meant refight (darn spell wrecker). We have the forces based on slavery and bigotry, nominally labelled the KKK and religious fanatics on one side and science and rationality on the other. It is likely to come to actual fighting and killing. I can see a red state vs blue state conflict but it will probably be more confused than that. I see the shootings at public meetings and schools as opening salvos in the upcoming war.
@Detritus I hope this is not so, though more shootings are likely in this country.
I believe LBJ said that signing onto civil rights legislation would lose the south for a generation. I think he underestimated the strength of racism, and never considered misogyny in the equation.
Beyond guns, I’m wondering what the next wedge issue will be.
The time of evangelical political clout will not come to an end without direct action to make it happen. We must expose the treacherous and both morally and intellectually dishonest attempts of evangelicals to co-mingle politics and religion so that their dogma can be made into law. We must point that the fact that those leading the co-mingling are charlatan demagogues, as well as the fact that much of their behavior is laced with racism and ethnocentrism, We must help more and more Americans to understand these facts.
It appears to me that the alt-right know what they are. Pointing out their hypocrisy, bigotry, and any other qualities just causes them to say right. No need to think, no ability to see that they perhaps should change. And destroying the ecosystem is seen as a good thing as the destruction will bring on the rapture and the new earth, where only they will survive.
I've been hearing that for years. They're like acne. Where you're just not supposed to get it in your 50s, but there you go.
So, acne and evangelicals never really go away. Got it!?