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Is there a difference b/t activist atheism & militant atheism?

atheist 8 Oct 29

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Is there order in each discipline, activist atheism or militant atheism? Or are these expanded terms to qualify an atheist order? Seems to me atheism will always be without order.


Militant, by definition, means willing to go to violent extremes. Activist means willing to take action or to stand one's ground. I applaud your attempt to clarify. It serves us well when we use language with clarity and precision.


I would say yes but general society would say no. I think activist would include simply being upfront about not-believing and being unafraid to stump for the right to not be subjected to religion. Militant is a more extreme form of protestation.


Maybe "tone?" Activist atheism is important. Perhaps militant atheism is just a disparaging label when someone thinks an atheist is being mean. So much subjectivity in volved, here, but I guess the difference would be the sophistication of one's diplomacy efforts.

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