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what is your news source , when all the major news stations have a clear agenda and spin?

the onion and the tyt are mine are there any others?

MichaelSpinler 8 Oct 29

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Every morning I have two newspapers on my doorstep. Both are local rags and not particularly informative as far as national and world events go but one is affiliated with "USA Today" and provides a broad overview. Judy Woodruff is my constant dinner companion as I stream the PBS News Hour every night when I sit down to eat. I seriously miss Gwen Ifill. I read the news stories that run across the bottom of the Bing home page and follow political links and news stories from innumerable sources that I run across on FaceBook. Even snippets from the late night comedians can be informative. A wide variety of news sources is imperative in a world of spin.


Honestly, my former and/or active colleagues in the military and gov.


I listen mostly to NPR, & BBC broadcasts.I like MSNBC, but don't have a pay TV servide, so I dont' watch them.

It is a shame that the fourth estate, which was intended by the founders to help keep politicians honest, have pretty much all sold out and actual journalism is seldom ever practiced anymore.


My sources are NPR and PBS.


When CNN and MSNBC get too stupid w/all the trump-tweets, I rely on the print media for clarity and much more detail; The Washington Post, NY Times, Boston Globe, New Yorker, etc. Not that I don't get annoyed w/some of the writers too, but I just think print media are better sources overall.


Naturally I gravitate to the spin that matches my own socio-political priorities. I like Huffington Post. For something authoritative, Reuters and NPR. Notice none of these is a tv network.


I like watching Philip Defranco and the David Pakman show. I watch other sources RT, BBC, aljazeera, Rachel Maddow, the Rubin report NPR some times even fox. I try to find sources that do their own research share them and will do retractions. I want diverse evidence driven perspectives even if I disagree with them.

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