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LINK Buy more books (even if you never intend to read them).

Well, I've succeeded at this.

Tomfoolery33 9 Dec 20

Enjoy being online again!

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My books are an integral part of my life. I Love my books! I can't live without books. They're almost as important as air. Reading on my tablet or computer just lacks an important ingredient to the pleasure of a book - I don't know what thats called.


I remember when I first discovered that I could buy books online in the early 1990s. I always carried a list of books I wanted to purchase, most of them out of print. I found a company that sold books from private bookstores around the globe. I almost went broke.


For the most part I'm pretty good at reading every book that I've owned, or borrowed.
Usually though with many (after I've read them), I'll give them to someone I think will enjoy it.
But some, I'll lend, but never part with.
even though I've memorized them, there are some worth reading over, and over.
Sometimes I get even more meaning re-reading a book.


I admittedly have a book buying problem, but I'm not exactly trying to fix it.


I gotta read....always have, always will.

Same here.


I can't stop.

I wouldn't laugh, except I know the feeling.

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