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Stress is an inevitable part of modern day life and avoiding it completely seems impossible. How do you deal with such scenarios?

Humanlove 7 Feb 15

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It depends on the situation. I may need a 'woosaw' moment (deep breaths). I'll possibly go for a walk to think things through, and release some of the tension; Call a friend for advice; Listen to music, etc.


Too much or even too little stress is bad, how we handle it is more important than how much.
I avoid it as much as possible,
best way I know is to say "NO",
people always wanting to pass on work, go on such and such committee, take on their causes when they are not mine,
and I put off procrastinating, if I have something unpleasant or stressful that I have to do,
I do it asap,
one less thing left on my list of stressful stuff,


If I have the power to fix a situation, I do.
If I don't have the power to fix it, why stress about it?


I’m working on not stressing about things out of my control, too much to worry about to care about why people disagree over trivial matters; I fail a lot, but I’m trying to stay conscious of my thoughts.


I deal with stress by just not giving a damn about petty shit. Most people stress over such minor inconveniences that it's laughable. Priorities, man, priorities.

JimG Level 8 Feb 16, 2018

I try to meditate. It doesn't always work, but it helps. I hold it in my neck and shoulder and if it gets too bad, I have a stress yoga I do which is the only thing that helps. I've been to doctors, massage therapists, but yoga is what helps me!


2 words-- weed.

Self medication!

  1. Open YouTube and navigate to Stevie Ray Vaughan's outstanding studio performance of Jemi Hendrix's 'Little Wing'.
  2. Fire up a fatty, sit back, smoke and listen
  3. Stress evaporates as the Master (SRV) pours his heart into a Strat...
  4. Repeat step 1 with "Riviera Paradise' if still stessed in the slightest.

I just drink alone and relax


I trained myself not to stress and anyone can do it.


You definitely need to find out what helps level you out! That is kinda different for each person...I need time alone, a lot of alone time and I need nature, lots of time out in nature!

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