Can anyone tell me what being "tagged" means on this website. I saw a little red garbage can at the top of my response to a post.
Does it mean that my response was a worthless piece of garbage?
Just means your name was included in a response
I thought it meant that I can delete my comment whenever I want. They don't like it? Screw them and the horse they rode in to.
They have tagged you specifically for a specific comment you made. The@ on their comment will tag them back with your comment.
Just figured out how to use
"...worthless piece of garbage?" Maybe some therapy is in order.
To be tagged simply means someone else has included your username in a post or reply, either because they think you'll find interesting or, most often, because they're replying to something you said.
If you click on the red garbage can, you get an option to delete your own post - which can be useful! It appears on all your own posts and replies.
When your tagged in a post that just means someone wants to make sure that you are sent an alert about it. It makes sure you get a notification about the post so you can read it. Tags also inform people of the subject in an OP which means original post.
All questions and responses on this site are a worthless piece of garbage.
Dude are you okay??
@Pooska Had a few scotches and feeling fine my friend.
So nice of you to include yourself.
@Whathappensnow wine for me tonight! It makes me all warm and fuzzy
@ASTRALMAX Yep I include myself buddy and said in jest. I don't put LOL after an unfunny or funny comment I make, I love the different responses I get. I do however give a or a
@Pooska A few good triple scotches, with a few beers makes me joyful.