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POLL There's a website to the museum, too.

Anyone up for a skeptics mystery?

I found this one today. Sometimes I like to unravel what's going on. Although I felt skeptical, the answer was more surprising than I thought.


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WarmFluffy 7 Dec 29

Enjoy being online again!

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I was keeping an open mind till I got to the part about vampires & werewolves.

Carin Level 8 Dec 30, 2018

Should have included most likely a scam.

It's totally a scam. An artist created all of the creatures and made up the story playing with some legends.

@WarmFluffy I (without irrefutable evidence) agree and that is how I voted however, to assert "Definitely a scam" enters the world of absolutes placing the burden of proof to demonstrate each and every example is a scam on my position.

@NoMagicCookie that makes sense. Actually, there's a confession online that it's all artwork.

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