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LINK Houston-area Walmart drive-by killing: Father pleads for help finding gunman - CNN

Little girl died from a gunshot in a Walmart parking lot. What a horrible ending to 2018 for this family.

HippieChick58 9 Dec 31

Enjoy being online again!

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There were 250,000 deaths from medical mistakes in 2018...and, more than the 70,237 drug overdose deaths in 2017. But, your moral outrage is focused on the relatively few gun deaths. Where is the emotional media coverage of those non-gun deaths?

@motrubl4u That is true. Demagoguery assures high Neilson Ratings which in turn sells airtime.

[] Snopes says you're wrong.

@HippieChick58 "Medical mistakes" are not the same as "doctors" (read my orginal post). John Hopkins says I am correct...unless John Hopkins University is somehow a shill for the NRA? []


Unbelievable. So sad.

@Wangobango3 yes true. Actually quite believable 😟

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