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Do you have a soul?

AstralSmoke 8 Oct 31

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Define "soul"... but I 'spect... no...


There’s no soul man


As a big fan of Plato, I can assuredly say there is no such thing as God or a soul nor a self to have either of those. THe idea of linking myself to a ghost to a lord of hosts seems about the same as any animistic tribal religion. America is probably the single largest anti-thesis to Plato in the history of Western countries. But obviously the saddest state of all is that people have the same sense as small children. Pretend to snatch their nose they believe it. A convenient way to grab someone's mind.

argo Level 4 Nov 3, 2017

I'm more of an Aristotle fan myself, but Plato works for me.


To me (I was taken to task by not recognizing my feelings on not using religious words) the idea of a 'soul' is just plain wrong. It is meant to imply that there is something immortal in us. I prefer to use a mortal term as inner being. Do others have additional replacement terms?

Inner being works for me. Psyche is a good word, but also has been tainted with time.


We don't have one. That is a very generic word. Kinda like spirit. It means different things to people. I do use that word that describes how I may feel when its something that moves me.. like music or being out in nature.. it sets my soul/spirit free.. its a way of expressing how I feel about something... nothing related to religion at all but more about the essence of who or what we are when connecting to something.



gearl Level 8 Oct 31, 2017

I agree.


It depends on what definition one uses. If it is the psyche (the mind), yes, of course. If one means an animating force, no.

Be careful of that. Many evangelicals believe that the mind is the soul, and that it leaves the body when one dies and continues to live on its own. That, of course, is an impossibility as the mind is the sum total of all of the cognitive schema and structures, and memories contained within the brain of an individual. When a person 00 a biological organism -- dies, so does his or her mind.


The biblical term soul in the Greek manuscripts reads "psyche". This is best defined as the mind, will, and emotions. In that sense everyone has a soul. It is kind of cold to think that one does not... However, there is nothing spiritual or eternal about this.


I have a mind that cannot exist without a live physical brain.

I've posted this link here already.
Sam Harris...


Perhaps you are referring to the Merriam-Webster's online dictionary #2 definition. Their #1 definition: the immaterial essence, animating principle, or actuating cause of an individual life seems more open and perhaps deserves a deeper understanding.

@Edward59 Not to be rude, but that definition looks like the kind of woo you'd hear coming out of the mouth of someone like Deepak Chopra.

I had to look up Deepak Chopra. He's worth a lot of money. The reason I posted this question is because of my recent 'awakening' to the fact (for me) is that I have a soul that defines me. It's not in ghost form and won't haunt anyone or anything like that. It's all biological, chemical, constantly changing things that make up me. I've recently told someone that I didn't have a soul. Which the outcome was fine. No further contact. But I got to thinking about how empty it sounds (but it's not empty) and have thought about what the word soul really means. We are all unique, I'm sure you agree.

I agree we're all unique, but I think what you just described is called a personality.


Yes! I have a soul. But it's like my mind. Can't pinpoint in the body, but it's what connects me to other people. The soul is what reaches out and wants connection and knows it's part of humanity. If we had a six sense would we say that it was god given or that it evolved like our eyesight, hearing, opposable thumb, and bipedal movement evolved? The soul is the evolution of community and togetherness. (But what do I know . . .)

I agree (mostly). The Merriam-Webster's Online: 1 :the immaterial essence, animating principle, or actuating cause of an individual life.


I always say I have two. One on the bottom of each foot. Sure, the spelling is different but I can see those soles and know that they exist. 🙂

When one has emotions that person might see the effects of the emotions, but not the emotions themselves. Same with wind. I know ... you're just playing.

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