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Joe Biden might run for President. I love this man! Your thoughts?

Maiasaura 7 Feb 19

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Politically, I am probably to the left of Sanders. I am not afraid of the “S” word. But Bernie knew he could not win. He was an opportunist populist that hurt our chances of having an effective and capable person in the White House and helped to bring about the embarrasing shameful, disgraceful, circus act we have right now.


Bernie Sanders. We need corporate money out of politics if we want a representative democracy. I guess it is a representative democracy now, but it represents corporate America.


@marmot84 Trump?

Sanders couldn’t do zilch with the Congress we have right now. If Obama was able to save us from the deep poop in which we were is because for two years he had a Democratic Congress. We need a progressive president with a progressive Congress


Sanders 2020

Now you're talking


I have so little faith in the US government that I am having trouble being excited about anything to do with it right now

The U.S. Government is not but what we vote for, and it is also the product of the people that don’t vote.

“The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.
Winston Churchill.

“Well, Doctor, what have we got—a Republic or a Monarchy?” “A Republic, if you can keep it ...”
George Washington.

So, perhaps instead of looking out of the window toward Washington DC and be disheartened, let’s all look at the mirror and have a conversation with the one that can really change things.


Biden is a good man and should run. I think we have to stop looking for the white knight to come over the hill and save us though. It is important that we shut the current idiots in power out in the 2018 elections. There will be no white knight in those elections but we have to show up in massive numbers to stop the Reptilians (I mean Republicans, but I think Reptilians is actually more descriptive.)


I am pretty sure I would vote for him. I know he's would be president now had been run in the 2016. If only....

JimG Level 8 Feb 19, 2018

And do what with the Congress we have?


I would love a ticket of Biden and Elizabeth Warren.


Our next elected President will likely be a very moderate Republican male in his early 50's coming out of a governorship (or ex-senator). Someone who can reasonably say he never kissed the ring with Trump. And he will be similar to Biden in his reputation and demeanor, including women's issues. There will also be a solidly Democrat Senate and House (or a Republican House but only by a slim margin) by that time. And that will actually function reasonably well. Sorry friends, but Bernie Sanders will never win the electoral college. A socialist cannot win the general against a moderate capitalist platform in America yet. The problem of big money and gerrymandering would have to be fixed first. You heard it here first, people! (For the record, I am a Democrat and I will never vote Republican or forgive the Republican party for what they have done to politics in America, particularly in the last 2 years - this is just my prediction.)


He's seems to be a very nice man, from reading and watching him. But he's part of the structure of that party that has gone from failure to failure, that corporate elite that doesn't connect to people. His time has passed, sorry.

Again, how was the economy with Bill Clinton? Who saved us from economic disaster in 2008? Failure to failure? I just don’t get it.

@Rodatheist Fair point on the economy. But the loss of seats at all levels of your Government by the Democrats over a long period is often mentioned by those who wish to reform it. I think he's a good guy, but that party needs to move from the Clinton and Obama eras. He's not thought of as a reformer, like Sanders is.


I'd like an Obama/Clinton ticket. Michelle and Chelsea. I agree that we need new blood. I am hoping that by February, when Trump & Pence are gone, that we will have the 3rd-in-line* as a place-holder president until the 2020 election.

  • Nancy Pelosi. 🙂

@Akfishlady I like Chelsea and there are a lot of others who like the Clintons. Based on what we are hearing now from Mueller's work, Trump & Pence were not legally elected.

@Akfishlady You will not get an argument from me. I do know that Bernie Sanders has brought a whole lot of people on board with his appearances and I am glad for it.
My real hope is that another unknown candidate, like Obama, will make the scene soon.

So, affordable or universal healthcare is old? LGBT rights is old? Higher minimum wage is old? Women’s reproductive rights is old? Effective gun control is old? Repair our infrastructure is old? Civil rights is old? Black lives matter is old? Immigration reform is old? Re-training of workers that have lost their jobs to the new economy is old? Effective re-distribution of wealth is old? Affordable housing is old? Support for education is old? So, what new ideas do you think the Democrats should come up with? Please don’t stop yourselves from being specific

@Rodatheist , well of course that is the issue. The leaders of the Democratic Party today have pretty much abandoned all those ideas and have opted for the "We're just like Republicans except we're sane" stance. They have forgotten the goals that got us where we were.


Let me start out by clearly stating that I voted for Biden for President in the Primaries during 1988, and that if he had run in 2016 I would have quite happily voted for him if he had won the Democratic Party nomination. For the record - I voted for Sanders in my State's Primary election in 2016.

I really like Joe Biden and he's got tons of experience and good knowledge of how Government is supposed to work. But - and this is close to a "no way" for 2020 for me - he's already 75, and would be 78-ish if elected to take over from Trump.

Except for the age issue - I think he's more than capable of doing the job and doing the job well.

And why is it that for the White House we don’t want someone with experience? Have we not had already enough proof that the guy seated in the Oval Office better be prepared and know what he/she is doing. The current bozo may not be faulted for his age but definitely for being a moron. Age should not a disqualifier; I would say au contrair.

@Rodatheist - I only view age as an issue, not an immediate reason for disqualification. But - at that age, I worry about energy for anybody. Biden even at the age he might be would be better by far that the current President, but that doesn't mean that I like the idea of somebody that old as President.


I admire that he is one of the few politicians elected who have nto taken advantage of the exception to insider trading rules for congress to enrich himself, bu has instead focused on looking out for the best interests of his constituents.

Granted he does make the occasional gaff whe speaking, but his gaffs are nothing compared to Trump's.


Please, no more of the same.


We already had Obama for 8 long, miserable years, we don't need his clone to further ruin this country and create huge racial and political divisions like his former boss did. The liberals need to retire.

@SACatWalker you don't remember black Panthers standing out side of polls on election day blocking whites from voting? I do, and I'm not white by liberal definitions so don't try pulling the race card.

@VirginCotton I'm conservative, but I didn't vote for Trump. I support sensible legislation, and I think he has tried to pass some. I support him on those points, I dondon't t like all of his politics, but then again, I hate politicans. I'm glad that you don't buy into the liberal propaganda. It shows an actual ability to think rationally and objectively. I started a group here calked constervative atheists. I'd love to have you join.

@SACatWalker I didn't say fake news. I think all news is biasef, which is why I only get my news from sources I tend to disagree with. It seem the most fair way to approach the subject.

@VirginCotton key word in the group search conservativeatheist

@jayneonacobb. Wow! We live in two completely different worlds!! Two different realities. I might as well speak Chinese because I do not understand a thing of what you say. Can someone help me translating for me please? Is it worth it?

@Rodatheist apparently you aren't capable of comprehending anyone's position that isn't your own. That's sad.


Oh I love him! I have loved him since I first started watching him on the political news shows where he would appear as a regular contributor during the 90's. I have encouraged him to run for president many times. He should have run and won against Hillary, and then again against Trump, but he had his reasons not to. Now it's too late. Now he is Too elderly.

If age is all you see against him then he should run.


I think he would be a great president, and I would dedicate time to volunteer for his campaign. The problem is that he is a straight shutter that says what he thinks, and while that should not be a problem among progressives, Republicans will exaggerate any petty little thing. Although it is possible that he might have refined his style.
On a broader point, I wonder if this country has learned something out of this ridiculous presidential experience. But my hopes tank when I hear people that think this circus act is doing a good job or support him. So disheartening.


Joe Biden is a pleasant, dullard. When you listen to him talk, he has nothing profound to say and seems oblivious to issue of income inequality...which should be the primary issue in politics. Bernie Sanders (and Warren) seem to get it. The problem with Bernie is that people are going to see him as a socialist and he is too old to run...especially if the dufus we have in there now gets another term. My ideal situation would be a Bernie for president, Elizabeth Warren for vice president, then if Bernie died Elizabeth could finish his term and then run for president.


Biden is a bit of an idiot, in my opinion. Certainly not as much or as dangerous an idiot as trump, but he has said some really foolish things in the past. But I would vote for him over any Republican you can name.


I love Joe, but I'm afraid there is too much baggage.

And that is why we voters should do the work. If we don’t, the deplorables will win again.


My thought is that I wish the Democratic bench wasn't full of octogenarian white guys (sorry, Bernie).

Biden has the virtue of being very likable, but he also has a bad case of foot-in-mouth disease, and despite the scruffy Pittsburg street working-person shtick, identifies way too much with the Democratic elites that gave us Hillary and her ignominious defeat.

I don't trust Elizabeth Warren because of her nakedly political posturing and getting up Hillary's butt and not endorsing Bernie during the last campaign. She's a former Wall Street lawyer, so that she's against Wall Street speculators is only part of the story. We could do worse, but we could do way better. I am dubious about her populist pretenses.

From there the herd thins out in a hurry. There are some promising up-and-comers but they are probably not old / seasoned enough to succeed in running for president in 2020. There are other pretender asshats that I don't trust, like Corey Booker, people like that who go which ever way the wind is blowing, and/or who show signs of being "bought" by various interests.

All in all not too encouraging. Sometimes I'm guilty of forgetting that disgracing / booting Trump without addressing what allowed / gave us Trump, namely, that Democrats haven't been any good at governance in a very long time and people are fed up with them, too -- isn't going to solve our problems. At least Trump has the virtue of being incompetent, lazy, and venal. What if the next "Trump" is capable, plays less golf and is disciplined? Then we'd have a neo-fascist, racist womanizer who wouldn't do us the favor of incriminating himself tweet by tweet, and we'd NEVER get rid of him.

“Democrats haven't been any good at governance in a very long time and people are fed up with them, too” ???? What? Clinton presided over one of the best economic times of late, thanks in part to the tax increases enacted early in his presidency, and Obama brought us back from the edge of the precipice in 2008 and we are now enjoying the economic prosperity he left us and that bozo wants to get the credit for.
Perhaps the problem is that people just does not know how to judge/pick their candidates. I tend to think that people gives opinions like “they all are the same” or “they are fed up” because they have no idea or are lazy about learning about the candidates. The problem with that is that people en up getting the government they deserve. We deserve this ignorant narcissistic corrupt entertainer in the White House for not having done enough to elect the one we really needed.

@Rodatheist I agree with you as far as it goes, I'd take an elitist democrat over Trump any day of the week. I held my nose and voted for Hillary like a good boy, given the choices. But I saw Obama initially as a plodding, methodical, uncharismatic leader, and came toward the end to see him as disconnected and therefore ineffective -- and while a good visionary speaker, not really the sort of populist leader who could be a game changer. In other words, Democrats are preferable to me because we only inch our way toward the precipice, rather than roaring full speed ahead under Republicans.

The shameful way Sanders was treated during the primaries, the way the party has pretty much failed to internalize the hard lessons that should have been learned when Hillary crashed and burned, summarizes the problem to me. The party needs to reconnect with the poor, minorities, workers, the sick and stand for something other than politics as usual. If it can't see the need for that even in the midst of the Trumpocalypse, then I don't see how it can ever see it.

Democrats as a whole don't seem angry or even concerned that we alone in the West don't have universal health care for example, so they're never going to crusade for it. The need for it is acute enough that half-measures and incremental approaches won't cut it. That's true for health care, for the environment, for any number of things. There's no fire in the belly, there's just a thousand reasons why the status quo must be maintained and the boat not rocked, and why that's more important than real change. Trumpism just reflects a misguided and malignant recognition of these facts.


No DD-214, not my vote. My vote, my rule.

so I have a DD-214, you'd vote for me?

@HippieChick58 Well... we need a woman president and after trump... even me will be a better choice. So I will vote for you... I am sure you will be an Upgrade to what we say we got now. Even if you got a general discharge, I will give you the benefit of a doubt because you will be running on a Hippie Platform. Yes, is my answer.

@GipsyOfNewSpain LOL!! Actually Bernie is pretty much The Hippie Platform. But thank you. I wouldn't run for president, too much indignity in the process.

@HippieChick58 You will always have my Vote. It is not for sale, it is yours.

@GipsyOfNewSpain That is totally the sweetest thing I have ever heard!

@HippieChick58 And I approved that Message.

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