That reminds me of something that happened at a Baptist mission in Haiti. I was there participating in a week of some missionary kid activity that involved Haitian Bible school students. The Bible school cafeteria meals were all Haitian food; rice and black beans, boiled plantain bananas, red sauce, but no meat. It would go right through us since we were used to eating meat, and we felt "starved" by the next meal.
One Bible student, to impress the white visitors, went off on a lengthy, flowery prayer before the meal that tortured us for about five minutes. After the prayer, the Haitian Bible school students boo'd, threw bits of vegetable at him, and never let him "say grace" again. Furthermore, they gave him a new insulting term for "long winded."
The next person to pray before a meal said a two-sentence prayer, and was cheered.
Lol I love it
Yep! It irritates me too, especially the kind-winded pray-ers! Baptists (old men)seem to be the worst. The older they are, the more you can expect a prayer at least 3 minutes long or longer!
Why can't they open prayer BEFORE the food is served? You know you're going to eat! Give people enough gathering time, then just announce, "Why we're waiting, lets give thanks for this wonderful food and for those who worked so diligently to get it to us." THEN bring out the food. It just seems much more polite and you don't have to pray over food you smell and are drooling to start eating!
Sounds about right: usually during formal family dinners when company is invited.
When I'm in someone else's home I will respect their traditions. I'll hold hands and bow my head but instead of a prayer, I'll contemplate what my first forkful will be.
In my home, if someone wants to pray/say grace I'll encourage them to do so silently.
In a resteraunt I just don't participate.
I just keep eating. I'm not letting my food get cold because they want to talk to their imaginary friend.
Ya, it really doesn't stop me lol
I went to a singles-group meeting/dinner for folk over 55 during my winter in Florida...about 16 people were there. When one lady stood up and said "I'll give the blessing" everyone, but me, stood up and bowed their heads. These were people from all over the US and Canada. I sat there and looked at them all like they were crazy. heh heh
But if any ladies present agreed with you, although they'd bowed to peer pressure, now they know who you are.