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Those of you who enjoy science fiction and fantasy and would like to take a gander at my first novel, I have it posted on a contest site. If you like it, please vote for it and/or post a review

JerryPetersen 5 Feb 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Is there a way to export this to an ereader (Kindle app, Nook app, whatever)?

I have no idea.


Have asked someone who knows about this stuff.

Will get back to you.

First impression is that you need to work on painting the picture so that your readers will be captured by it.

In general; go for it woman. You got a talent there.


I've just read the prologue and am now hooked to read the rest. 🙂

Thanks! Hope you will be able to publish as an ebook at some point. Good luck!


Hats off; you are skillful with semicolon use. 😉 Impeccable punctuation throughout actually - a rare thing these days. I read the first 2 chapters, and I like the flow. I can't comment on story arc yet...

I used to be a POD reviewer for new authors, and at first blush, you're in the top 95 percentile. Do you plan on printing it?

I'm a professional copy editor for a newspaper, so I HOPE I get the punctuation right!

@JerryPetersen Right on... I had never heard of inkitt, as I've been out of that field for a few years, but you inspired me to put up my last novel. It never got traction, as I was overwhelmed by all the hoops one has to jump through to get some semblance of exposure... maybe I'll have more luck this time.


I will be more than happy to read you r story as soon as time permits. Thank you for sharing!


Read the first two paragraphs, but not my style or genre. I prefer more John Scalzi, Robert A. Heinlein style, but congratulations on your first novel!


hit dat, yo. Of course now you're obligated to buy my novel SCAPEGOATS next month 😉


I'm liking it. So far so good. More later.


consider it done,

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