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LINK Upper East Side Restaurant Nello Bans Single Women From Eating At The Bar

I was going to make some snarky comment like, what if I came in with a nun's habit? But then again, even if I were a prostitute- who cares? Would you also not serve my clientele. Double standard anyone? Makes me want to see adult-consenting prostitution legalized in all 50 states more and more.

UrsiMajor 8 Jan 18

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When I was growing up in an Italian ethnic neighborhood in N.J., (many years ago) there was a bar/restaurant where women were welcome in the restaurant but NEVER were served anything at the bar. When I was in Trenton two years ago it was still that way. Some people are just old thinkers.


It is a privately owned business in a free country. I feel if they want to be douches, that it is their prerogative. Just like not spending money there is mine.

I actually like when companies do crap like that. It makes it easier to see who the assholes are and lets you decide where to spend your money. Just like Chick-fil-a and Hobby Lobby. Until they started being douches, I wouldn't have known not go to either.

We had the issue of a baker here in Colorado not wanting to make to make same sex marriage cakes. I don't understand why you would want to eat food made by someone that hates you and doesn't want to make it for you in the first place. I definitely wouldn't eat it. I am glad they made their beliefs known. Now I know not to spend my money there. I would definitely not go to court so I COULD spend money there. I would just make sure to let everyone I possible could know not to go there...

I understand that being a straight middle aged white guy, I don't have to put up with crap like that, so it is hard to fully understand the emotional concept of someone hating you like that. But wouldn't it make sense to let them be douches publicly, so more people would know not to spend money there? If enough people quit going there, they would eventually shrivel up and die... However, I do think if they want to be douches, that they should be required to put a sign in the window to make it easier for people to know that they are douches...

Granted, I know that sounds better in theory than it would work in practice, since half the country are douches and would continue to support them. Just like somehow Chick-fil-a and Hobby Lobby are still in business, but I feel the tide is slowly turning.

If you would like to get a sense of being hated for being an older white guy go to some areas of Oakland, CA.


Just stop going there.


I wrote the Mayor. Waiting the response. I may be waiting a long time.


What country is this again? Sharia law? When did New York permit this?


Seems like a lawsuit as most places have laws against that


Let us amass a large number of single women to eat at the bar.

If I lived in the area, I sure would participate in that endeavor.


I smell law suit as there are those currently. Laws that is. Rep. Cortez?


What in the actual fuck?

Oh yeah, that restaurant needs to be run out of business.
Fuck that bullshit.

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