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when are we as a species going to get our s### together?

i completely understand that untill we abolish religion we will not progress as a species but banning all religions sounds kinda harsh to me . i had the good fortune to be raised atheist so i don't necessarily have the same disdain for religion as many people ive met who have converted after waking up? I understand that brainwashing people is wrong? but it seems to make them really happy? Someone please let me know how we can possibly educate our people?

Dogking 3 Jan 19

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Trouble is we do get our shit together and then we throw it in to the sea.


Besides it’s going to be a super virus that gets us.

@TheAstroChuck I work in medicine I’m not worried about myself.


"Getting our shit together" goes far beyond defeating religious idiocracy. Idiocracy comes in different colors. If human being meets its demise, it would be because of its inability to find middle ground. Finding solutions to gray areas is the biggest challenge to the human species, imo.


When we, the people of the world, put aside our petty differences, make the Political Leaders understand that they are there to serve everyone and not just themselves and the select few, realize that we do NOT own anything on this tiny chunk of rock spinning around the Sun except our own bodies, We ARE all members of the exact same species, i.e. Homo Sapiens, and that we do NOT have a mandate from some totally imagined, invisible Sky Being giving us sole dominion over everything and anything.


I think you’ve invested too heavily in an incorrect assumption. Religion is probably the single most significant contributor to our success as a species. The problem is not that we have religion, it’s that our religion has been frozen in a previous millennium and derailed by corruption. The real enemy is an amalgam of ignorance, and evolutionary mismatch. We’ve pulled the environmental rug out from under our hunter-gatherer asses, and if anything could save us at this point (which I’m not expecting) it would have to engage our evolved nature the same way religion does, but modified to conform to objective reality. It’s a tall order. I wish Homo sapiens well.

skado Level 9 Jan 19, 2019

Now that’s an educated argument I can stand behind!


I think it will take more than atheism to save us. Perhaps a new reason to adopt old values.


It’s not our job to educate. Self enlightenment is a personal journey.

I highly disagree with your opening statement.
All cultures since the beginning of time have sought the unknown. We have certainly progressed regardless.

I guess I take offense that many people here on this site automatically feel they are superior or smarter because we don’t believe in a ‘god.’

I have plenty of intelligent friends that are religious.

So the question I would ask is Why do you find it necessary to educate people and why would you assume you’re the one to do it?

Seems pretty egotistical to me.
Personally I don’t give a fuck if there’s religion or not. It doesn’t have any influence on me or my life.

All cultures since the beginning of time have sought the unknown. We have certainly progressed regardless.” No, they’ve followed; that’s what the OP’s post is about. Those who ‘sought’ were persecuted, likely the Atheists of their time.

Seems pretty egotistical to me.
Personally I don’t give a fuck...
” Egotistical..?

“No they followed”
Followed?? Who did they follow? There are tons of different religions and beliefs. Someone at some point created a belief or religion. They didn’t just appear from nothing. Look at history there are 1000’s of deities.

Yes, egotistical. It is extremely egotistical to assume one is more intelligent or better because of ones belief. That includes us as atheists.


Like you I was raised as a non-believer.
I've seen and know many that are great caring people.
Their actions I honestly believe rub off on others.
I think we have a LONG way to go, but I do happen with a bit of optimism believe people will get better in general.
It may be just a lofty ideal, but I will try to be that kind of person, and hopefully others might follow.


How long does it take? If it hasn't happened by now.....

It's a fool's errand. Humans are fools. Always have been, always will be.


We can't. We can try, and be marginally successful, but overall, it's not going
to happen. It's not in our nature.
We will continue to fuck up everything we touch until we're gone from this rock.
Religion will never die out completely. Too many people can't let go of their delusions, and their crutches.

@TheAstroChuck Well, it HAS been a couple thousand years. I supposed it's time to switch up which woo is the new woo.


I’m beginning to view it as the same failure of humanity to be flying bubble cars and having food ‘replicated’ from a box in the wall… If humans possess the ability to free themselves from religion, it will likely take several more centuries to basically eradicate it. So unfortunately, later than sooner..

I’ve also come to realize how seriously mental illness plays havoc with humanity...

Regarding Religion, spreading Democracies could help, or not. Authoritarian rule never really works.. Perhaps it’s happening faster than I realize, though. Wasn’t raised under religion either, so at times if feels like waiting for humanity to catch up.. doesn't it 🙂

Varn Level 8 Jan 19, 2019

if you are brain dead you can't reason! Besides religions used to be mean to others we need a world language. One language to build more bridges to talk to each other besides the so many different wall to keep us seperated.

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