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How much sleep do you need?

Millie 6 Feb 21

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Depends on what's going on around me. Give me a good and interesting project and I'll go on 3 to 5 hours a night for months but with nothing happening except to check a few times a day, 10 hours is barely enough.


I don't know - no matter how much I get, I'm still always tired.

Jnei Level 8 Feb 21, 2018

@evestrat Have you ever seen one of those sci-fi films where they get put into stasis for a century in order to survive the journey to some far-off planet? I reckon if I could do that, the following day I might be able to make it until lunchtime before yawning and considering snorting lines of pure coffee granules off the desk.

@evestrat That's also the time that aliens tend to come along and lay eggs in your chest. But hey, it's nothing a few stitches wouldn't sort out - and I could really do with a nice long sleep.


24hrs for like 7 days a week


My usual is 7.5 - 8 and I try to stick to that even during time off from work.

My intention is to keep my circadian rhythm balanced, healthy, or whatever the word is for it. I also strive to keep the same sleep schedule, even on weekends.

I am grateful that I almost never feel sluggish or tired.


I can survive on 6. Less than that and I feel it.


I think it varies from person to person. Unfortunately I'm one that needs to good 9-10 hours. Wish I could get by on less.


I cannot function on less than 7. I feel rested and good when I get 9 to 10. It's always been like this pretty much my whole life. Everyone is different. Lots of factors too.( I am 55 and pretty much done with Menopause.)


Need or want? When I was working I went to bed at 10, read a half hour and up by 5. That seemed plenty. Now it's in by 9ish, read a half hour and up around 6ish (depending how much time I lay awake thinking about issues from which is usually too much). Winters I get more and summers less. At my latitude it is darker longer in winter but summer the sun doesn't set until after 10 and rises at 4.


I can sleep anywhere, any time so not sure of the actual need but I seem to function pretty well on about 7. I will admit that if i sleep in, which is pretty rare, I feel lousy for a couple of hours.


Five hours is good for me, although morning me isn't a fan.


More than I get.


6-8 hours. Sometimes I used to get just 3 hours and still feel refreshed. Sometimes I'll get 6-9 and feel like I have no energy getting out of bed.


6 to 8 hours. in my opinion. My fiance was suffering from insomnia at night, so he tried just getting naps in , here and there, to make up for his nighttime loss of sleep. His Psychiatrist told him that was fine , as long as it totaled up to at least 6 hours per 24 hour period. I disagree. I feel a good recharging of your body needs to be in one long sleep, with maybe a 1/2 hour nap during the day if you're super tired. Well, I don't know if it was depression that led to his sleeplessness, or his sleeplessness that led to his depression, but he couldn't take it anymore and committed suicide last Fall. Sleep is serious stuff.

That's awful. I'm so sorry for you. 😟

OMG - I wasn't ready for that !!! I'm soo sorry . Yes you CAN die from lack of sleep in many different ways 😟

It was awful...I cried solidly for 2-3 months, but am doing okay now, and functioning well...pick yourself up, dust yourself off, start all over again.

Oh my gosh.....I'm sorry.


Any more than 5 and I'm lethargic all day.


Nine hours seems to be comfortable to me.

Gohan Level 7 Feb 21, 2018

A lot, I live my sleep and am more productive after about 9 or 8 hours. But I've had worse, few months back I worked a 12 hour shift with only about 2 hours of sleep.


More than I get......


depends on weather and what I have to do. I get enough so all is good.


5 or 6 hours untill it catches up and I need about 12.


4 to 6 hours here.


7-10 depending on previous nights up to 13. Usually I get 4-6.


I am a chronic insomniac but I believe I need 7 to 8 hours of sleep


Knowing I had to be up a little earlier this morning, I had every intention of getting to bed a little earlier as well. I ended up staying up until about 3:15 a.m. I'm not in any way rested, with maybe 4 to 4½ hours of sleep, but honestly it's not far off from how I feel when I've had a full 8 or 9 hours of sleep. I'm always fatigued, so it doesn't really seem to matter (though I suspect more sleep is still better for overall health, even if I feel like I was dragged behind a tractor all night long). I can't operate on 4 hours every night, though, so there is a point at which it catches up to me. I'd say I really need, in terms of regular sleep, 6 to 7 hours a night, but prefer upwards of 7 (and, if I can sleep in, 9, 10, 11 hours, easily).


I get about 5 hours, usually. I would love to get more, but I'm just not a sleeper-inner.

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