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LINK CVS unveils 'Beauty Marks' in stores, warning shoppers of edited images

I'm not sure what to make of this. Has the store corporation just decided to promote honesty? What is their motivation? Maybe I'm too cynical or paranoid.
BTW... I've never really really been a big fan of women's (or men's) cosmetic things. But if it makes people feel better about themselves...

RichCC 8 Jan 24

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Remember when they stopped selling cigarettes because "We are greatly concerned over our customer's health"? They still have great prices on a variety of liquor though.


Long gone are the laws that forbid Joe Namath from selling panty hose.


Seems as if it is a warning that just because you use their product you won't instantaniously begin to look like the model & that the 22 inch waist & 55 inch bust is not normal & is digitally enhanced. Some people need to be advised.


I think it is women and men don't know that already in this age of selfies, photoshop, glamor shots, celebrity sitings, etc. etc.

Seriously? What a waste of brain cells to even think of this...


I think this is wonderful...truth in advertising. What's next, identifying models that have had cosmetic surgery? Yes, that is snark.

MizJ Level 8 Jan 24, 2019
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