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I think I have figured out the big conflict with christianity

IF Christ's message is "love and acceptance" then what more needs to be said? Why do there need to be any exclusions or further definitions? Now I don't personally believe in their Christ but a message of simply love and acceptance I can stick behind. I think all the other claptrap of their buy-bull is just the man made idiocy that detracts from the simple message of love and acceptance. You don't need any exceptions or further rules. You don't need to limit it or refine it. Thats all about the control. Just love & acceptance.

JeffMesser 8 Jan 25

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Very true, we can have Love and Acceptance, no god required.


I fully agree. Christianity as an organized religion is a contrived thing, imposed on the world by zealous and egotistical organizers who had little understanding of the teachings of Jesus.

damn straight


Their message is manifestly not one of 'acceptance' if you mean by that term acceptance of all lifestyles. Their doctrine of sin makes many lifestyles unacceptable for those who are converts. Indeed, they must 'repent' of those lifestyles.
Love and acceptance as you use those terms are not the way they are used by evangelical Christians at all. They would say you confuse love with tolerance of sin. And to be fair to them, biblical teaching underpins their views. I just doubt that teaching now.
Indeed, my doubts over Christianity are in part tied up with what they say is unacceptable and what is ok.

sorry dude ... but your response just typifies the problem.

@kauva I think that's my point. But my response deals fairly with what they teach. You argue that Christ's teaching is about 'love and acceptance' based on your definitions of those terms. The problem I have is that Christian teaching uses different definitions from you, and a reading of the gospels would also render those terms with different definitions from you. Certainly the Greek words behind them do not mean what you posit as their respective meanings (1st-4th C CE Greek is my area of academic expertise). Indeed, the notion that 'love and acceptance' means tolerance of all lifestyles is a recent innovation in Western thought.
Now where I think we probably agree is that Christian teaching leads to a very narrow way of living. In my view, that narrow way has more in keeping with 1st C Jewish mores than anything else and so I don't think one should apply those moral views to our own time.


We need Christ to be separated from Christianity.

that was my thought also. people who want to be like christ should stay away from christianity and the buy-bull.


Unfortunately his message, (if he existed ) was not just love and acceptance. That's just the religious cherry picking.

actually I think it was.

@kauva No I think you will also find that he included, racism, religious bigotry, approval for the old testament laws, approval of slavery, anti investment and short termism, anti-trade, and approval of torture, and the belief in thought crime. Plus I am sure quite a lot of other things, but it is now late at night here so you will have to find them for yourself.

@Fernapple based on what ... that book of lies? anyone who thinks that the buy-bull is anything other than a bunch of man made lies is fooling themselves and/or has failed to study religious history. Athanasius' actions at the 1st and 2nd councils at Nicea illustrate quite dramatically that it is MAN who controlled what was and is in that book. If Jesus did exist then the logical message to derive from the common roots of all the books, even the "lost ones", describing his teaching would be nothing more than love and acceptance. All the other stuff is made by man.

@kauva What do you base your guesses on if not the book of lies ? I do not see that you would logically come to that at all from the book of lies, since the book of lies is he only source we have, you may take any part of the teachings out of it, and say that they are the "true" teachings. As I said, it can not even be regarded it as good evidence that he even existed let alone what he taught, and given the times I strongly suspect that the racism erc. is much more likely to be the teachings of an illiterate self appointed wandering priest.

@Fernapple I disagree with you.

@kauva That's fine, if you are happy cherry picking what you like from very doubtful sources, do so. I have never seen any benefit in it, nor do I regard my wants as a good guide to truth.


I love and accept your point of view posted here. 🙂

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