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LINK Has Trump peddled bogus claims about the border because of a movie? | MSNBC

this sounds wild but... seriously, i think this is true! trump actually saw a fictional movie and took the details from it and spun them into his reason for "needing" the wall. whether he did so cynically and deliberately or is such a moron that he believed the movie was a documentary or whether he forgot he saw the movie and remembered the details as fact doesn't much matter, does it? the result is the same!


genessa 8 Jan 29

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Do you suppose that the “dancing Moslems” that he “saw” after 9/11 were also acters in a movie?

he probably saw fiddler on the roof and just didn't understand what he was seeing.



anyone remember the man approved funding for space force???? what happened with that???

as far as i know, his staff is giving him daily progress reports on how many aliens we have defeated!


@genessa using a space invaders game, no doubt.


This part is brilliant:

Again, just so we’re all clear, the movie is real, but the story is fictional. The script was written by screenwriters, not documentarians. The plot of the film is made up, as are the characters and developments that unfolded on screen.

that is the part trump cannot understand.



Let's hope he doesn't watch Apocalypse Now in one of his bored moments.

or maybe he could watch it and decide to find some napalm to sniff!



Be thankful it wasn't 2012 or Pacific rim or the 50s classic Whenhen worlds collide.?

i think he read 1984 in comic book form and thought it was a really nifty blueprint. we already know he kept either a book of hitler's speeches or mein kampf (i forget which and i'm not calling whichever wife it was to verify) by his bedside. i wonder who he got to read it to him?


@genessa maybe one of his children or one of his wives. Pretty darn well sure it wasn't him ? And doesn't that signature remind you of a seismograph after an earthquake?

@oldFloyd his presidency is an earthquake.



Since he doesn't even know how to grocery shop, I would guess from some of his odd comments that he is getting a lot of material from TV...

His rant on women being duct tapped was so bizarre and surreal...the way he described the truck crossing into rocky desert, going right or left...sounded like he was describing some action movie...

Maybe we need to see if someone will make him watch Lion King or Frozen ...

the duct-taped women are from the movie in question (read the article). everything he has said recently is from that specific movie. he mentioned really fast special cars. they're from the movie too.


@genessa I knew as soon as he started his was just too a 15 year old telling his friends about it...he is dangerously delusional...


That man, if that is a proper term, knows nothing but what the media says to him or, more specifically, about him.


World War Z?


@AstralSmoke That's not a movie. That shit is real life.

@HailSatan81 World War Trump

@AstralSmoke , that's what I was referring to. Lol.


Was it an action movie? Trump loves action movies. "Rocketman" for example comes from the film "The Rock".

as far as i can tell, yes, it was an action movie.


@genessa Trump grew up in glass houses. So his only concept of reality is what he has managed to garner from television and movies.

@davknight the scary part is that he translates that into action because he is in power, and drunk with it too.


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