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LINK Kansas judge calls girls the 'aggressor' in sex abuse case - BBC News

How in the world did this judge conclude that a 13 and 14 year old were partly to blame for being sexually assaulted by a 67 year old man (Raymond Soden) and therefore gave him a reduced sentence?!

The age of consent in Kansas is 16!

The judge (on the left), Micheal Gibbens and the convicted...

DGJ0114 7 Feb 4

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They could pass for brothers.


That bastard should be fired. Then put in a jail cell along with the creep posted beside him.




I wonder if the judge has similar proclivities.


This is tricky as we don't know the whole case. Did he actually know how old those girls were? Do those girls look 13 - 14 or do they look older, did they say to him their ages, etc, etc. At least he got more than a lot of rapist do get in the US, just look at those young men who are white and rich, they get a slap on wrist.

He admitted he knew at least one of the girls was 13 and under the age of consent...

@Dmej114 Ok, thank you for that.

And the man charged has served time for the same thing before. So he knew that he should at least asks their ages.


This country really sucks! It has always pretended to be something it is not. It has never been a great country, and has a long way to go to be a great country.

With all respect....this nation has done some truly great things. Certainly not perfect...but we've ''risen above'' in the past and we'll do it again!

@LucyLoohoo What have we risen above?

@Sticks48 (NOT THAT I WAS THERE!...but...)

How about the Civil War and "reconstruction?" That war still holds the record for most Americans killed. Slavery tore the US apart! My family is deeply southern and, although only one ancestor owned slaves, scores of them suffered economic ruin for generations due to government-imposed ''punishments," equally applied across all Southerners. (You can be forgiven for not knowing this. Unless you've grown up don't really know of it.)

Horrible struggles at the emergence of civil rights...economic depression which saw many Americans of all colors quite literally starving...two ''world wars'' fought on foreign soil, which killed and orphaned hundreds of thousands of us.

Viet Nam, which absolutely pushed us all into one of two ''camps'' and divided families, communities, etc.

And then...there was Nixon.....

@LucyLoohoo Racism is still pervasive. Women still don't get equal pay as men. When you are traitors, governments will make you pay. No sympathy here for the South. Most fundamentalists live in the South. I don't have to tell you how fucked up they are. The struggles we have survived are nothing compared to most of the rest of the world. Being powerful and rich does not make a country great. How a country treats its people is how you measure greatness. We do and always have done a piss poor job of taking care of our people.

@Sticks48 You missed my point. The eras I mentioned were NOT today's crisis (we all know what that is.) I was talking about the past! Just because fundamentalists live there...doesn't erase the economic poverty imposed on the South post-Civil War. That's an example. We've been through terrible times IN THE PAST and we can do it again.

@LucyLoohoo You are missing the point. It is about how you treat your people. Our country hasn't been through anything compared with Europe, Russia, China, Japan, or Vietnam, all in the 20th Century alone. We are the only industrialized nation with out health care for our citizens. Our court system is completely slanted toward white folks and folks with money. We have the highest percentage of our population in prison than any country on the planet. Think about that. We are not a great country, not even close.

@Sticks48 Where did I say we were perfect?

@LucyLoohoo No country is perfect, but evil is evil, and this is evil. This is a heavy bible belt country, full of hypocritical Christians. I HATE hypocrites. If I could think of a stronger word, I would use it!


Some judges are despicable.

This judge is despicable without a doubt.


While we have learned more of this, there are some priests who have said it is a spiritual encounter that is higher than criminal law, there are some who have said it is a temporary demonic possession and some who say it has been the boy/girl that seduced the priest.

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