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What is the worst thing you have ever done. (be honest)

I will start. When I was about 20, and an idiot (feel free to tell me I still am) I started a group on facebook about how I hoped a certain pop star that I didn't like turned out to be a peadophile so I wouldn't have to listen to their music anymore. I don't want to name the artist as its not important, but I struggle to see how the younger me thought it was funny. I feel uncomfortable and embarrassed when I think about it now, but that is the thought that pops in to my brain when I ask the question what is the worst thing I have ever done. Lets see how honest we all now

RobH86 7 Feb 23

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I'm keeping in mind that this IS the world wide web ...

Go on give us a clue

@RobH86 uh-uh ... (grin)


Please, everyone, remember that everything you've ever done has made you who you are. No regrets.

I drank a house once.


I give up . How did you manage to drink a house ?

I spent the money on booze. I had a problem a long time ago. I wouldn't change a thing, because then I would be different.

It was the 80s. And yes, that's what it meant.


LOL. Nope


No way in hell I'll ever tell.

You are definately, definately going to hell

No, I'm not.


When I was 11 I resented my sister for her intellectual disability and cerebral palsy as I was bullied for having a freak sister. I resented her and was mean to her in my anger and frustration. I don't think there are many things I could have done that I would feel worse about. You said honest!

You are definately going to hell. Seriously though fair play for being honest, and sometimes I think it is important to recognise our mistakes so we can learn from them

@RobH86 I have regretted my attitude for close to 50 years, it still makes me feel like crap.


I lost my temper with my son when he was very small, not yet two years. I yelled, harshly. It may seem small but to see the fear in his eyes, I know it was not.. It is a moment I will always regret. I like to think I was a better father because of that moment but it never should have happened.


I stole a .25c pack of gum once when I was like 22 lol. That's what I remember. That's what I'm sticking to lol. In my defense, I was buying something and I hit it off the shelf in front of the counter by accident. It fell to the ground. I was with my girlfriend. To joke and "impress" her I kicked it out the door and then kicked it to the side until I could pick it up without being seen.

Thug life!

You absolute maverick


Found the drug pushing puke who laced a 13 year old's soda with rat poison. She was rushed to the hospital. He had an accident with my fists and feet. Her heart stopped and her kidneys began to fail. I don't know what happened to him.

Sounds like the guy had it coming to him to be fair


Let's just say I'm not allowed in 90% of the casinos in Vegas. 😮


I was cold smoking a 10# beef called away to answer a call..when I got was a boiled piece of wasted filet mignon...aaaarrrgh!!!

@Crimson67 i know,right?


I'd be afraid to put it in type here on the internet.....I'm sure somehow, it would come back to bite me in the ass.

Agree. All of these are so tame no way in hell I'm playing.


Slept with my married boss once. Felt too guilty to do it again.


Anonbene...dude, grow up.



Can I go with "The worst thing I've ever done is think that at least most of the confessions on this thread are not actually the worst thing these people have ever done?" Sure. I'll go with that one. Yup. I sure diddly-do am. Yeah. Uh-huh.



I passed by an open Dunkin Donut.


Sure, I'll spill...but only after all those MoFos are dead and buried. ????


I admire your bravery. For that I will share a mistake I regret more than anything else. I experimented with a friend when I was going through puberty. Nothing wrong with that. But the religious indoctrination I experienced along with s complaint I had that my friend was too bossy compelled me to spread rumors that my friend liked gay sex, even though I knew this because I was the one having gay sex with him. I feel extremely horrible about it. In fact, part of the reason I agreed to move from Florida to Michigan was because I felt bad about it.

I think it says a lot about these anti gay pastors. Their words are so anti gay because in reality, they themselves have had gay experiences and, because of the conflicts that their religion poses because of it, they lash out at gay people. But I digress.

I ended up fessing up to my friend about what I did, spreading rumors and all. Partly because it was literally the same day as 9/11 and I felt I had no business holding back secrets from them. There was already enough evil going on and I didn't want to add to it. So I told him the truth. I'm glad I did that at least.

fair play for opening up


Walked away from my crazy family ; with my children and didnt let them know where I was.
I have a brother somewhere if he is still alive he would be 78y.o, I wouldnt know him if I saw him..


I actually can't remember the worst thing I ever did , it must have been seriously bad as I seem to have erased it completely ; but I remember the aftermath as I said to my Partner 'I'll do Anything to try to put this right!" He answered that he wanted me to cut my hair - he has OCD - (I had very long hair and it shed - the only reason I had long hair is because I have a fear of hairdressers) So time went on and at one point he asked me point blank When are you going to get your hair cut then? I told him about my fear and he made an appointment to come with me and hold my hand all the way though and promised to dive in if the hairdresser came too close to my head with the scissors - It went swimmingly - It was a long time ago and I am still afraid of hairdressers, and cut my own fringe and grow the rest for cancer wigs


Its either putting my pets to sleep, which is something I must do for them for there own good, at the vets or pitch forking 12,000 rotting chickens into a trailer in the very hot sun as they dripped on me.


I would never put it out in public like that....nobody's business.

marga Level 7 Feb 23, 2018

Serial killer or worse?


It is going to take some time to figure out what punch I wish I never threw. A long time actually.



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