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LINK Guys. We should all be lucky to have a woman like Pam Northam.

Time stamp. 3:50.

"Inappropriate circumstance."

AtheistReader 7 Feb 5

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I'm sure my ex-wife bailed me out of some stupid shit.


That was an awesome moment and every woman who saw it knows exactly what she did...

Seriously, if he tried to moonwalk during this very serious press conference, I think she would hae clobbered him with her purse...

I really wish she would have let him do it.

@Sticks48 It would have been a trumpian move..inappropriate...

@thinktwice And funny too. 🙂

@Sticks48 those two radio show hosts that played "Another One Bites the Dust" during the murder of young black boys in Atlanta funny...I see...NOT...

@thinktwice No, funny because that would have done him in for good.

@Sticks48 Yes, he should resign without making a spectacle of a serious issue...he has done a lot of good and should continue to do is a hard lesson but one that should not be taken lightly in the age of tRUMP...

@thinktwice After Franken and King, he has to go. He might be a different person now, but in these times, he has to go. Especially now that he is lying.

@Sticks48 yep...sad...I hope he sees that soon...otherwise, he is another Brett Kavanaugh...

@thinktwice I don't see how he can hold on. Kavanaugh had his party behind him, Northam doesn't.

@Sticks48 Kavanaugh had a bunch of white boy immature assholes behind him and should never have been confirmed...Northam should recognize that and resign or else he will be just like the other assholes...period.


You can actually see her rolling her eyes for a second... LOL!

She is probably well practiced rescuing that buffoon she is married to. Colbert is awesome.

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