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I like this sort of stuff, especially f you have ever looked into the origin of the originals.

Rugglesby 8 Feb 23

Enjoy being online again!

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yes Mother Goose was considered a real witch and the goose was her familiar, unlike the tales.


Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. A conspiracy theory if ever there was one.

a, Did he fall or was he pushed?

b,What was all those kings horses and men doing there at that particular moment?

c, What was a person with such a fragile shell doing on top of a wall in the first place?

d, All the kings horses and men couldnt put him together again... Why wasnt a physician called? Were they there just as a cover up?

Humptygate, We demand to know the TRUTH !!!


The Geogie Porgie rhyme would end better with " bi "


You might have been a great fan of Ogden Nash.


Lol yes ring a ring of roses is about the plague/black death. the phrase quack was invented then for doctors who wore a mask with a duck-shaped thing covering there nose with poses in. they believed it was the smell that killed them. the truth is the doctors then wore leather aprons and the fleas couldn't bight them very easily.

Rock-a-by baby is about James ii. An extremely unpopular monarch who would have stayed in place had he not managed to produce an heir.

I think there's a few like that with sinister backgrounds.

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