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Not every Christian I've met has been an asshole, but the vast majority of assholes I've met have been Christians.

Nebroxah 6 Feb 24

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Through the years, rarely though, I've met a couple 'true' Xtians that walked their talk. I of course think its all nonsense, but what can you say to people who say what they do...then do what they say besides nice work? I admired them just as much as I admire anyone who does a good job. That generation has passed on now, leaving us to deal with the worst type of Xtian: the modern phony Xtian that uses their religion as a 'brand' to push their bias and hate instead of a faith to praise their Sky Fairy.


Agreed,and pompous assholes at that.


Agreed,and pompous assholes at that.


I've come across some Christians who were true assholes and some who were decent people. Unfortunately, many of them became assholes when they discovered that I was an atheist.

Funny how fast that turns around, isn't it?

@Nebroxah Exactly.


A brilliant statement !!! and oh so true.......


AMEN to that.


I think I see your Venn diagram here, with a significant amount of overlap for the asshole circle and the Christians. But do you think it might be because, statistically speaking, you have a better chance of meeting Christians in this country than any other religion, or nonbelievers?

Definitely. Especially in my part of the country. But if being a jerk was totally separated from the shape of the symbol on the chain around your neck, wouldn't the percentage of jerks I meet from literally every other walk of life be similar?


Funny how that works.


Christians have a get out of jail free card. Everyone else is second class to them. They believe they are saved no matter what they do. That belief gives them tremendous arrogance. While working in resturants all us employess hated it when church was out because christians would be coming in. They were the rudest and most arrogant people to come in. They are taught that infidels are people to be used. It is similar to moslem teachings that believers do not have to keep their word to non-believers. They can lie cheat and steal from them.Just look at how jews viewed non jews in the bible. Under teachings they could enslave non believers. This tends to be true of most religions. This holds for nations too. Those not of your country are less than you. When privalige is given to any group it automatically makes any other group inferior. Just my thoughts.


The vast majority of assholes I've met are assholes. I don't very often ask a twat there beliefs. it's like bigger isn't better, better is better and there's always perspective.

people are people the world over. good, bad and everything in between.


I can honestly say the same thing about conservative Republicans. But that does seem a bit redundant.

...or hillary supporters..????


Might be some selection bias if the majority of people around you are Christians.


Similarly, not all 45 supporters are racist assholes, but all racist assholes are 45 supporters.


Same here.

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